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词汇 marriage
例句 She used to liken marriage to slavery.她常把婚姻比作给男人当牛作马。But the ill-fated marriage lasted only a few months.不过这桩注定要失败的婚姻只维持了几个月。It's sad when a marriage breaks up, especially after all those years.婚姻破裂让人心酸,尤其是经历了那么多年的婚姻。They're not blood relations - they're just connected by marriage.他们不是血亲——不过是姻亲而已。I took my marriage vows and kept them.我结婚时许下誓言,并一直信守。They had to weather some difficult times in the early years of their marriage.在婚后的最初几年里,他们不得不度过一段困难的时光。He is still clinging to the idea that his marriage can be saved.他仍然坚信自己的婚姻还是可以挽救的。Jim's father disapproved of his marriage to Mary.吉姆的父亲不赞成他与玛丽的婚事。Sex before/outside marriage is strongly disapproved of in some cultures.在有些文化中,婚前/婚外性行为是被强烈抵制的。Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.如今很多人不再费心思举行婚礼。Their marriage is a partnership that has remained strong despite family illness.尽管有家族病,他们的婚姻关系依然牢固。It became blatantly obvious to me that the marriage was not going to last.这场婚姻不会长久,我看这已经再也明显不过了。They didn't manage to salvage anything from the wreck of their marriage.他们没能从千疮百孔的婚姻中抢救出任何东西。They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents' marriage.父母婚姻的破裂让他们非常烦恼。They are related by marriage. 他们有姻亲关系。I feel I've made a real mess of my marriage.我觉得我把自己的婚姻弄得一团糟。He spoke of his impending marriage.他谈了他即将结婚的事。She alluded to her first marriage/husband.她间接提到了她的第一段婚姻/第一任丈夫。She refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage.她不愿因恐慌而仓促结婚。It's his second marriage.这是他第二次婚姻。Their marriage had collapsed.他们的婚姻业已破裂。Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate.已婚妇女必须携带结婚证。In Denmark they have legalized marriage between gay couples.丹麦已经将同性恋婚姻合法化。Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.他们的关系完全颠覆了传统的婚姻观念。She refused to answer inquiries from the media about her marriage.她拒绝回答媒体有关其婚姻的问题。She likens marriage to slavery.她把婚姻比作奴役。Paola's marriage broke down.葆拉的婚姻破裂了。Attitudes to marriage are changing fast.人们对婚姻的态度变化很快。I always put my marriage first.我总是把婚姻放在第一位。An affair could wreck your marriage.婚外情会彻底毁掉你的婚姻。She has two grown children from a previous marriage.她有两个与前夫生的孩子,都已长大成人。It was game over for the marriage.这场婚姻走到了尽头。Many people go into marriage with unreal expectations.许多人都是怀着不切实际的憧憬步入婚姻的。The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union.那对夫妇仍然抱着老套的观点,认为婚姻是神圣的结合。Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.加布里埃尔的同辈都在与毒品作斗争,而他的问题却集中在他的婚姻上。Their financial problems are a threat to their marriage.他们的经济问题是他们婚姻的隐患。Chantal told Martine about her short-lived marriage.尚塔尔跟马丁内谈起她短暂的婚姻。His marriage was wretchedly unhappy.他的婚姻很不幸福。His marriage was going through a bad patch.他的婚姻正经历困难期。The whole community was scandalized by her second marriage.她再次结婚,全社区的人都为之惊骇反感。




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