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词汇 Plant
例句 Plant the trees singly or in small groups.把这些树单棵或成小片种植。Plant cells contain liquid in spaces called vacuoles.植物细胞在被称作液泡的地方含有液体。Plant some red flowers to give your garden more zip.种些红色的花,给你的花园增添一点生气。Plant the seeds in early spring as soon as the ground thaws.早春时节地面一解冻就播种。Plant evergreen shrubs around the end of the month.在月末前后种植常绿灌木。Plant the seeds 2 cm deep in the ground.把种子种在两厘米深的土壤里。Plant the daisies in a sunny place.将维菊种在阳光充足的地方。Plant in a shady position away from direct sunlight.种植在远离阳光直接照射的阴凉处。Plant roots absorb moisture.植物的根系吸收水分。Plant breeders have controlled leaf rust and powdery mildew.植物育种家已经控制了叶锈病和白粉病。Plant the seeds in spring.在春天播种。Plant three trees for every one that is cut down.每砍一棵树要种上三棵树。Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise.一有机会就把春季卷心菜移种到地里。Plant the seedlings in well-drained potting mix.把幼苗植于排水良好的盆栽混合料中。Dr Jenkins leads a team of researchers at the Plant Institute.詹金斯博士在植物研究所领导一组研究人员工作。Plant herbs next to a wall to shelter them from the wind.把药草种在墙边以避风。Plant growth is most noticeable in spring and early summer.在春天和初夏之时植物长势最为明显。Plant bulbs shallowly, against a wall or as edging.把球根种得浅一点,靠着墙或者当做边缘。Plant fossils are abundant in some types of rock.在某些类型的岩石里,植物化石很丰富。




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