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词汇 做事
例句 I realised early on there was no point in throwing your weight around. You had to persuade people to do things.我早就意识到没必要摆架子,你得说服别人去做事才行。The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike.主管叫我到楼下。他做事干练、务实。I can't do anything half-heartedly. I have to do everything 100 per cent.我从不敷衍了事。我做事从来都是十分认真的。You couldn't trust Sam to do anything important. He was too flaky.你不能把重要的事交给萨姆去做,他做事太糊涂了。You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.当你集中精力做事的时候,你会为自己取得的成绩感到惊讶。He never did anything by halvers.做事从不半途而废。You'll have to make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's if you go to work at that company.如果你去那家公司工作,你做事得一丝不苟。You'll have to be a bit more together when you have kids.有了孩子之后,你做事就得更沉着了。Don't be so authoritative when you ask me to do something.你要我做事时,不要那么专横。I have always done my work to the best of my ability.做事从来都是尽自己最大努力的。Do it well while you're about it. 做事就要好好做。Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。They were great people to work with – very quick, very efficient.他们是很好的工作伙伴 — 做事很快,效率很高。She was furtive and vicious by temperament.她本来做事就偷偷摸摸,心肠狠毒。I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情丝毫未察觉。We are all acting in the best interests of the children.我们都是为了孩子的最大利益在做事He has a funny way of doing things.他有一套很有意思的做事方式。I've started going to evening classes to learn how to do things properly, rather than just muddling along.我已经开始去夜校听课了,学习如何做事,而不是瞎混日子。It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized.叫她做事有什么用—一她这人一点条理都没有。I just want to live my own life and do my own thing.我就想按自己的方式生活,照自己的意愿做事She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.她不断滥用职权/权力,让别人替她做事Most people are right-handed.多数人做事用右手。He was very precise in his manner.他说话做事都有板有眼。There was a distinct lack of urgency in his manner.他的做事方式明显缺乏紧迫感。You'd better watch your step with me, young lady.姑娘,你和我说话做事最好谨慎些。Ben's usually very sensible.做事通常很理智。The White House has accused Congress of dragging its feet.白宫指责国会做事拖拉。He is a shrewd politician who knows the limits of the possible.他是一位做事非常有分寸的精明政客。She angrily told him to stop acting like a horse's ass.她气愤地叮嘱他做事别再像傻瓜一样。It's incomprehensible to me that he could have acted that way.他居然那样做事,我不能理解。Let your conscience be your guide. 做事要凭良心。He'll throw a great party – he doesn't do anything by halves.他要举办一个盛大的聚会,他做事绝不马虎。Everyone has their own way of doing things.每个人都有自己的做事方式。Barnes is a conscientious and methodical journalist who would have checked all of the facts before writing the story.巴恩斯是个认真尽责、做事有条理的记者。他写报道之前,会把所有的事实都核对一遍。Doing things in a hurry doesn't pay.做事急躁没有好处。I'm completely disorganized.做事毫无条理可言。You can't expect people who are in a class by themselves to be reasonable.你可不能指望那些独具一格的人做事都是合情合理的。He was out of commission for three days with the flu.他得了流感,三天没能正常做事Why on earth would I want to work for you?究竟为什么我会想为你做事呢?Matron was quite kind but brisk and hurried.女舍监人很善良,但做事干脆利落、风风火火。




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