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词汇 做什么
例句 Had I realized what you were intending to do, I would have stopped you.如果我当时知道你要做什么,我就会制止你了。Greg's a great cook, and he does it all so effortlessly!格雷格是个了不起的厨师,他做什么菜都这样轻松自如!Many people think she has fallen under his spell, but I think she knows what she's doing.许多人认为她完全被他迷住了,但我想她知道自己在做什么Nothing need be done about this till next week.下周之前在这方面不必做什么The most pressing question is what do we do next?最迫切的问题是接下来我们要做什么We knew what had to be done, but it wasn't an easy task.我们知道得做什么,但这个任务不简单。If I am minded to do something, I achieve it.如果我想做什么,就要做成。With the room fully illuminated, the students were able to see what they were doing.房间照明充分,学生们能够看清他们在做什么What were you doing from 9 to 11 this morning?今天上午九点到十一点你在做什么What is the Oscar queen doing in the film, beyond effortlessly acting everyone else off the screen?除了以精湛的演技毫不费力地使所有其他人在银幕上相形失色之外,这位奥斯卡影后在这一部电影里还能做什么呢? What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。It's my house and I can do whatever I want here.这是我的家,我在这里想做什么就能做什么It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her.好像是无论她做什么,都会对她有更高的要求。I had my back to them, so I couldn't see what they were doing.我背对着他们,所以看不见他们在做什么Do what you're told and keep your head down.叫你做什么你就做什么,别惹麻烦。Do you ever think about what you are going to do after you graduate?你考虑过毕业以后要做什么吗?I need to know what to do in an emergency.我要知道在紧急情况下该做什么What is the program for tomorrow?明天计划做什么He had only a shadowy idea of what they wanted him to do.对于他们想让他做什么,他只有一个模糊的概念。You don't have to tell us what to do. We all know the drill by now.你不必告诉我们做什么。我们现在全都知道了。What can I give Helen to do? She's finished the filing.我给海伦做什么呢?她刚完成归档。I will ask the Reverend Mother what to do.我要去问问院长嬷嬷该做什么You alone can decide what needs to be done. 只有你能决定做什么He'll do whatever I tell him to do. He's completely in my power.我叫他做什么他就会做什么,他完全听我的。I'll do whatever I jolly well want to!我想做什么做什么Well, what shall we do now?那么,我们现在该做什么My niece is impossible when she's tired - you can't do anything to please her.我侄女累的时候很难相处——你做什么也无法使她高兴。You can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd.你想做什么做什么,可别随大流。What would you do if you won $1 million?要是你赢得一百万美元会做什么?What the hell are you about?你到底在做什么It's all too easy to assume that people know what they are doing.很容易想当然地认为别人会知道自己在做什么Nothing we could have done would have changed the course of events.无论我们做什么都改变不了事态的发展进程。I don't give a damn what she does.做什么我一点也不在乎。What will you do when you are old and gray?当你老了头发变白时你将做什么There seems to be a lack of certainty over what we should do.看来我们应该做什么还无法确定。He certainly looked as if he was up to no good.他看上去确实好像在做什么坏事。The cook will prepare whatever you wish.您想吃什么厨师就会给您做什么They both loved the fabric, but couldn't find a use for it.他们都很喜爱这块布,可是不知道拿来做什么好。I'm exhausted all the time, and everything is a real effort.我总是觉得精疲力尽,无论做什么都很费劲。You have to take the bad with the good in any career.无论做什么工作,都有利有弊,你都得承受。




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