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That was what she was for, that was her reason for being.那是她做人的目的,那是她生存的理由。Not being a mother, I found the chit-chat exceedingly dull.尚未做人母的我觉得此种闲聊极其无趣。Innocence and decent living are no protection from the evil elements within our society.清白做人和正派生活无法保护我们不受社会中邪恶力量的伤害。Her story denigrates him as a person and as a teacher.她的报道从做人和当教师两个方面对他进行贬损。Their daughter's death had taught them humility.女儿去世使他们懂得了做人要谦逊。Come on, fair's fair. It's your turn to mind the kids.好啦,做人也得讲公道。该轮到你带孩子了。She has struck a blow for common sense and human decency.她尽量做到通情达理,同时维护自己做人的尊严。Man's highest capacity is self-transcendence or unselfishness.做人的最高境界是自我超越,即无私。He's trying to stay grounded despite all the fame and praise.尽管得到了声誉和赞颂,他仍努力脚踏实地做人。All men qua men have certain essential rights.所有的人都有某些做人的基本权利。I try to live morally.我力求规规矩矩地做人。It's against my principles to cheat. 欺骗有悖于我做人的原则。 |