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词汇 pipe
例句 At the far end of the market, a wrinkled old woman sat smoking a pipe.在市场的另一头,一位满脸皱纹的老太太坐在那儿抽烟斗。Sussman puffed on his pipe, a satisfied grin on his face.萨斯曼抽着烟斗,脸上露出满足的微笑。The pipe was rusted at the joint.管子的接合处生锈了。The pipe will rupture at its weakest point.管道最脆弱的地方会破裂的。The pipe's clogged with grease.管子里积满油污。You need to cut about this much off the end of the pipe.需要把管子头上切下大约这么多。High water pressure ruptured the pipe.高水压使水管破裂了。The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room.那条破裂的管子使烟气泄露到房间里。He lit the pipe.他点着了烟斗。Call a plumber. The sink pipe is blocked up.打电话请管道工来,洗涤槽的管道堵了。Blowing air into an organ pipe creates a broad spectrum of vibrations that bounce back and forth inside.吹奏时,管风琴内会产生反弹回转的宽域振动。The pipe burst and a spout of water shot out.水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。Use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water.使用大口径水管以保证水流畅通。When is the plumber coming to repair the burst pipe?管道工什么时候来修理破裂的水管?Water will be pumped through a pipe.水将通过管子抽上来。The sooner we get the pipe fixed, the better. = We need to get the pipe fixed, the sooner the better.我们要尽快修好这条管道。Water oozed from the leaky pipe.水从漏的管子中渗出来。The old man struck a match and lit his pipe.老人划了一根火柴,点上烟斗。Hot water is then flushed through the pipe.接着用热水冲刷管子。The middle of the pipe was completely bent out of shape.管子的中部弯曲得完全变形了。Gas is escaping from the pipe.瓦斯正从管中逸出。Water trickled out of the pipe.水从水管内滴出。Water squirted out of a hole in the pipe.水从水管的一个洞里喷射出来。My father sat puffing contentedly on his pipe.父亲坐着,心满意足地抽着烟斗。It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.管子里面竟然沉积了那么多黏糊糊令人恶心的东西,真是想不到。It was noted that the bending of the inlet pipe cause some flow asymmetry.我们注意到,单管的弯曲造成了气流的不对称。Be sure to lag the pipe to prevent heat loss.要确保给管道加隔热层以防热损耗。He produced a pipe and pouch from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出烟斗和烟袋。He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened.他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。He assumed the role of plumber and unclogged the pipe.他做了一回管子工,把管子疏通了。It's only a pipe dream, but I wish I could meet him.虽然只是一个幻想,但是我真的希望能见到他。We shall have to dig through the mountain to lay this pipe.我们得掘穿大山铺设这条管道。The pipe suddenly sprung a leak. 那根管子突然裂开了。When he finds out you broke his pipe, he will raise the devil.他发现你弄碎了他的烟斗时会大发雷霆的。This drawing shows how the pipe looks in cross-section.这幅图展示了管子的横断面样子。Perhaps there is a fracture in the water pipe.也许水管有裂缝了。It sounded as though gas was hissing out of a pipe.那声音好像是管子在嘶嘶地漏气。Bill put out his pipe and stood up to leave.比尔熄灭烟斗起身离开。One of the joints in the pipe was cracked and gas was escaping.管子有个接合处裂了,煤气由此泄漏。He fiddled in his pocket for his pipe.他的手在衣袋里摸摸索索找烟斗。




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