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词汇 phrase
例句 He minted that phrase.他创造了那个短语。I bought a Spanish phrase book.我买了一本西班牙语常用语手册。Try looking for the phrase in another place in the dictionary.试着在词典的其他地方查找这个短语。It was a single short phrase being sung over and over again.那是一段被反复演唱的单独短乐句。I need to phrase my question rather carefully.我提问时措辞要相当谨慎。In grammar, an interjection is a word or a phrase used to express a strong feeling.文法中,感叹语是用来表达一种强烈感情的一个字或片语。The phrase book wasn't much help in carrying on a conversation.短语手册对于会话没有多大用处。Sachs has a sure hand with a felicitous phrase.萨克斯用词精当,恰到好处。He writes with a pretty turn of phrase.他行文潇洒自如。He is meticulous in his choice of words and turns of phrase.他措辞谨慎,描述细致。There is almost no phrase so simple that he cannot mangle it.再简单的话他也表达不清。The author has a very seductive turn of phrase.作者的表达方式极具吸引力。What does the phrase mean?这片语是什么意思? It's hard to know what the author intended by this phrase.很难知道作者使用这个短语的用意。She puzzled out the meaning of the strange phrase.经过认真思考,她弄清楚了这个奇怪短语的意思。It's not, to coin a phrase, rocket science.套句老话说,这又不比登天难。Stanford throws in every colloquialism and contemporary catch phrase he can.斯坦福把他所知道的所有口语词与时兴用语都一股脑加了进去。Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。这虽是老生常谈,但却是真理。How is this phrase to be accepted?这一短语怎样解释?The phrase caromed through his mind.那句话在他脑子里翻腾。This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression.这个短语可能翻译自一个阿拉伯语常用表达。It isn't really a dictionary – it's a sort of phrase book.这并非是一本真正的词典而是一本短语手册。The phrase occurs often in the Koran.这句话经常出现在《古兰经》里。He'd thought the flight would never – to coin a phrase – get off the ground.他以为这趟航班是永远也不会 — 套句老话说 — 离地起飞了。It wasn't a happy choice of phrase given the circumstances.这样的措词不适合这种场合。That phrase is idiomatically acceptable/correct.那种说法符合常见的语言习惯。Matthew apologized for his ill-chosen turn of phrase.马修为他的不当措辞道了歉。You have a nice turn of phrase.你的措辞很漂亮。This catch phrase stands as an epitaph for the society that gave birth to this scandal.这句流行语给出现这条丑闻的社会下了定论。She has a nice turn of phrase, which should serve her well in journalism.她的口才很好,对她从事新闻业大有裨益。Polly tried to think how to phrase the question.波莉试图想出要怎么来提这个问题。Overuse has drained the phrase of all meaning.这个短语因过度使用而失去了意义。I just tossed that phrase out to get the discussion going.我说出这个字眼是为了使讨论继续下去。She thought in both languages, and selected the most apposite phrase from either.她用两种语言思考,然后从中选择最贴切的一种表达。Within a month the phrase would be part of the language.不出一个月,这短语就会成为语汇的一部分。A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering.会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。That's a rather unfortunate turn of phrase.那是相当不雅的措词。The phrase laid itself open to a charge of extreme unorthodoxy.这句话容易引起指责,被认为极端离经叛道。It's a useful little phrase book, full of colloquial expressions.这是一本实用的常用语小手册,里面有很多口语表达方式。He is bent on the choice of magniloquent phrase.他专门选用夸张的言词。




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