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例句 Though his staff is often confused by the way he runs the office, I've found that there's method in his madness.虽然他的员工常常对他管理的方式感到困惑,但我发现他的那些古怪做法还是有相当道理的。If you tell children to do something, they will often do the exact reverse.告诉孩子要做什么事,他们往往会反着干。Fish tanks often have a pump which oxygenates the water.鱼缸常有气泵往水里充氧。The authorities often requisition land for factories and motorways.当局常因建厂筑路之需而征用土地。How often do you brush your teeth?.你多久刷一次牙?Women's employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments.女性的就业机会常常受到家庭责任的严重限制。He often gets together with his friends after work.他在工作之余常和朋友聚会。How often do you clean the kitchen?你多久打扫一次厨房?Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan.在日本常常感觉到地震引起的震动。Violence within the family is often alcohol-related.家庭暴力常与喝酒有关。The addict often reads disapproval into people's reactions to him even where it does not exist.这个瘾君子经常把别人对他的反应当作反感他的意思,即使别人并没有那个意思。It's often more difficult to motivate boys than girls.男孩子往往比女孩子更难以激励。Children often choose high-fat fast foods in preference to fresh, healthy ones.儿童常常会选择高脂肪的快餐食品,而不是新鲜的、有益的食品。Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle creatures.儿童书籍中常常把农场的动物描写得很可爱。Her behaviour is often appalling.她的行为举止常常糟糕之极。People with this disorder often have bowed legs.有这种病的人腿往往是弯的。These paintings often invite an allegorical reading.这些画常常令人感觉有讽喻意味。Games often have software tools that players can use to build new levels or custom tournaments.游戏通常都带有软件工具,玩家可用以构建新级别或定制比赛。Scholars often edit Shakespeare's plays.学者们常校订莎士比亚的剧本。Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.很多城镇经常发现改变拥戴对象才是上策。It is often the philosophers who see farthest into the hearts of men.常常是哲学家对人的内心最为了解。One's hearing often becomes obtuse in old age.人到老年往往听觉变得不灵。The sudden death of a loved one can often leave the bereaved with an agonising sense of unfinished business.亲人突然过世,常常会让留在世上的人有一种心愿未了的痛苦。Education is often equated with intelligence.教育与智力常被画上等号。Do I often figure in your dreams?你是不是常常梦见我? He often spreads himself on his achievement.他常常吹嘘自己的成就。Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.城市居民常将噪音当成城市生活的一部分。I often get asked that.常有人问我那件事。Most often mist hides the illusory Alps.阿尔卑斯山脉多数时候云锁雾障,若隐若现。Veronique looks very young for her age, and people often think that her daughter is her sister.韦罗妮克看上去比实际年纪年轻得多,人们常以为她女儿是她妹妹。The comedian often lampoons the leading figures of the day.这位喜剧演员常常嘲讽当今的要人。Politicians often win votes by playing on people's emotions.政治家们常常利用人们的感情来赢得选票。Spelling mistakes are often just the result of haste.拼写错误经常是由于匆忙而造成的。His father often knocked him into the middle of next week.他父亲以前常常揍他揍得很惨。I don't see friends very often. I prefer to keep myself to myself.我不经常见朋友,宁愿独处。As a water sign, Scorpio often makes its denizens good swimmers.由于天蝎座是水象星座,天蝎座的人通常善于游泳。Trouble often comes when you're least expecting it.麻烦总是在你意料不到的时候出现。The criminal often revisits the scene of the crime.罪犯往往会重返犯罪现场。They often go clamming.他们常去浅滩拾蛤蜊。When Charlie goes on a business trip, I often tag along.查利出差时,我常常跟着。




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