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词汇 of the day
例句 It stayed cloudy for most of the day.那天大部分时间天色阴暗。Spilling my coffee was the main highlight of the day.把咖啡弄洒了是我那一天中最糟糕的事。They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day.他们会在一天中最炎热的时刻小睡一会儿。At the end of the day, it's his decision.不管怎么说,这是他的决定。Stormy weather kept the launch area socked in for most of the day.暴风雨使得发射区关闭了大半天。I think at the end of the day, stability is a great prize.我觉得到头来,安稳才是最值得追求的东西。There were times when he would ring his bell at all hours of the day or night.有段时间,他白天或晚上随时都可能摁铃。A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes do wonders.晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。She told me not to stop by today - she'll be out most of the day running errands.她叫我今天别去探访,她差不多一整天都要在外面跑腿。When I come to the end of the day, I'm glad to pack up my tools and go home.每天下班的时候,我都会高高兴兴地收起工具回家。Conservatism and caution are the order of the day.保守和谨慎是当下的风尚。The biggest story of the day was the signing of the peace agreement.当天最大的新闻是和平协议的签订。By the end of the day, the waitress was worn to a frazzle. 一天下来,女服务员疲惫不堪。Jack entered the events of the day into his diary.杰克把当日的大事记入日记。She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh.她一天的大部分时间都用来拜访在爱丁堡的朋友了。Another fairly common belief is that dreams reproduce the events of the day before.另一个普遍的观念是,梦境再现了白天的生活。It was a difficult decision, but at the end of the day, we knew we made the right choice.这是一个艰难的决定,但最终,我们知道我们做出了正确的选择。At the end of the day the teacher does half an hour's extra work with the slow readers.老师每天放学后给阅读能力差的学生补半个小时的课。The initiative was in the hands of the government of the day.主动权掌握在当时政府的手里。The stallholders bank their money at the end of the day.摊贩们结束一天的生意后把钱存入银行。Sexual explicitness is the order of the day.公开讨论性话题如今是司空见惯的事。The rest of the day went very slowly for Anne.那天余下的时间对安妮来说过得很慢。I work offline most of the day.我一天里大多数时候都在未联网的状态下工作。There's something happening on our street at all hours of the day and night.我们街上任何时候都有事情发生。The temperature was below freezing for most of the day.白天大部分时间里温度都在零摄氏度以下。I was very tired at the end of the day, as usual.像往常一样,我一天下来筋疲力尽。At the end of the day, there was the moms’ soccer match, which was a hoot!那天的最后一项活动是一场妈妈足球赛,那才叫笑死人呢!These officials are appointed by the government of the day.这些官员都是当时的政府任命的。Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。The morning was cool; a welcome change from the heat of the day before.早晨凉快了,和前一天的炎热相比好多了。The heat of the day made the gymnasium feel like an oven.一天里最热的时候,体操馆里犹如火炉一般。At the end of the day, the best team won.总之是最佳的球队获胜了。We eat our main meal of the day in the evening.我们晚上吃一天中的正餐。You may be working for yourself but at the end of the day you still have to pay tax on what you earn.你可能是在为自己工作,但最终你还是要缴所得税。A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes work wonders.晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。Growth and change are the order of the day in every field.发展和变革为各个领域的一种风气。The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the first Gold medal of the Games.如今的全民女性偶像是运动会中获得首枚金牌的邢芬。Your ticket is valid for travel at any time of the day.你的票当天乘车有效。The rest of the day passed uneventfully.那天余下的时间里没有发生什么特别的事。I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.那一天我大部分时间都像僵尸似的走来走去。




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