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词汇 philosopher
例句 He is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination.他的职业是教师,但他的意愿是当哲学家。They are admirers of the great philosopher.他们是那位伟大哲人的崇拜者。Plato was a Greek philosopher.柏拉图是古希腊哲学家。The philosopher Seneca opened his veins in his bath.哲学家塞内加在浴缸里割开了自己的静脉。They regarded him as just another dime-store philosopher.他们只是把他看作是又一个二流哲学家。She wrote a radical critique of the philosopher's early essays.她写了一篇言辞激烈的文章,批评那位哲学家早期的作品。Richard Twitcher, philosopher, controversialist, and drinker extraordinaire理查德特威切,哲学家、辩论者兼伟大的酒鬼Dr. James is a scholar and something of a philosopher.詹姆斯博士是个学者,可以说是个不错的哲学家。Arthur Schopenhauer, known as the `philosopher of pessimism'.亚瑟·叔本华,公认的悲观主义哲学家。The quotation is attributed to Chu Hsi, an ancient Chinese philosopher.这句引语被认为是中国古代哲学家朱熹所说的。The philosopher's thinking was the beacon to many young people.那位哲人的思想曾是许多青年的指路明灯。Rousseau was a famous philosopher.卢梭是著名的哲学家。I'm not yet old enough to be a philosopher.我还未到达能看破红尘的年龄。The philosopher spent years elaborating his ideas.这位哲学家花费了数年时间深化他的理念。




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