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词汇 straight up
例句 The rocket shot straight up and exploded overhead.火箭笔直地向上射去,在空中爆炸。The seats in the theater were angled so that we were looking almost straight up.剧院的座椅是斜置的,这样我们几乎可以平视舞台。I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home.我一直跑到哥伦比亚县,然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆山谷,从那里回到家。A thin crack running straight up the wall had appeared.墙上出现了一条笔直的细缝。The towers of the hospital rose straight up from the edge of the highway.医院的塔楼耸立在高速公路边。No, straight up, I've never seen him before.是的,不骗你,我以前从没见过他。She went straight up to the door.她一直朝门口走去。She walked straight up to him and slapped him in the face.她径直走到他跟前,扇了他一耳光。He was pointing his rifle straight up in the air.他举着枪,枪口直朝天空。Serena was so scared she jumped straight up in the air.塞蕾娜害怕得直跳了起来。He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye.他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。My father went straight up in the air when he heard I damaged the car.父亲听到我损坏了汽车,立即火冒三丈。You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.你若打开水龙头,水会直往上喷。The force of the explosion blew the boxes straight up into the air.爆炸的威力把这些箱子一下子就掀到了高空。There is a more direct route straight up the motorway.有条更近的路可直接上高速公路。At this point, the base of the golf club should point straight up into the air.此时,高尔夫球杆的底部应该笔直地指向天空。He would simply walk straight up to the footlights and start talking.他会直接走到脚灯处,开始讲话。We just go straight up the Bristol Road.我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走。I'll have a martini straight up.给我来一杯纯马提尼。The bomber pulled out of the dive and climbed straight up into the sky.轰炸机从俯冲拉起,爬高直冲云天。The dog stood motionless with its tail sticking straight up in the air.那只狗一动不动地站着,尾巴直直地翘向空中。




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