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词汇 strains
例句 We sipped wine to the strains of Beethoven.我们一边听贝多芬的旋律一边小口抿着酒。Once a kite is airborne, it strains on the rope.风筝一旦上天就会拉紧绳子。She depicted the interior life of human beings, and particularly their moral stresses and strains.她描写人类的内心生活,尤其是他们所承受的道德压力。We relaxed to the strains of Chopin.我们在肖邦的旋律中放松下来。Two strains in his philosophy cohabit in each of his major works.他哲学上的两种倾向在他每一部主要著作中都同时存在。Too much computer work strains the eyes.在电脑前工作太久会损伤眼睛的。The strains of the national anthem filled the hall.大厅里回荡着国歌的旋律。He bathed in luscious strains.他沉浸在悦耳的乐曲中。The attack has led to strains in the relationship between the two countries.袭击事件导致两国关系紧张。Exercise really can help you withstand stresses and strains more easily.锻炼的确有助于更加轻松地顶住压力和紧张情绪。There are many different strains of flu virus.流感病毒有很多不同类型。Despite many stresses and strains, the team has held together, and I'm proud of that.尽管压力大而且紧张,整个队还是同舟共济,我为此而自豪。On the ice rink skaters spun dreamily round to the strains of a Viennese waltz.冰场上,溜冰者随着一支维也纳华尔兹的旋律如梦似幻地旋转。The cable is designed to withstand strains of more than four tons.这条钢缆设计承受的拉力超过四吨。The strains of music hung on for a long time.乐曲声久久回荡。That story strains my credulity.那个故事太离谱,使我不敢轻信。Pest-resistant strains are under development.能抗虫害的品种正在培育中。She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra.她能听见室内管弦乐队尖细的旋律。It strains all credulity to believe he would have said any such thing.实在令人无法相信他会说这样的话。There are strains in their relationship.他们关系紧张。Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity. 这本书大部分内容是可信的,但结尾部分令人难以信服。Do some gentle exercises to relieve the stresses and strains of your day.做一些轻柔的运动来消除一天的压力和紧张。American scientists found an unnatural multiplicity of anthrax strains in tissue from the victims.美国科学家在患者的组织中发现超乎寻常数量的炭疽菌株。The strains of office are beginning to tell on the prime minister.首相开始感到公务繁忙的压力了。The newcomers lacked immunity against local strains of the disease.新来的人对这一疾病在当地的几种类型缺乏免疫力。Every year new strains of influenza develop.每年都有新的流感病毒出现。




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