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词汇 strain
例句 This strain of mice is resistant to the disease.这种老鼠对这种疾病有抵抗力。The resulting diplomatic strain haunts policymakers on both sides.由此导致的外交紧张深深地困扰着双方的政策制定者。The ice gave way under the strain.冰在压力作用下坍塌了。He is holding up under the strain. 他能够克服压力。He wrote letters in a happy strain.他用愉快的笔调写信。The cables could not take the strain of the extra weight.这些钢缆承受不了额外重量的拉力。The athlete is suffering from muscular strain.这名运动员正受肌肉劳损之苦。He buckled under the strain of work.他被紧张的工作压垮了。I like to strain the pulp out of my orange juice.我喜欢把橙汁中的橙子渣滤掉。The strain of keeping awake was painful.硬顶着不睡真够难受的。The first invariant of strain is independent of the coordinate system being used.第一应变不变量与所用的坐标系无关。The vaccine is effective against the most common strain of the disease.疫苗可以有效防范这种最常见的疾病。The strain of living with her violent husband was telling on Judy.和有暴力倾向的丈夫共同生活,这种压力叫朱迪吃不消。Jack's job put a lot of strain on their relationship.杰克的工作使他们之间的关系变得很紧张。I am afraid that I have been a great strain on your nerves, a grief and worry to you.我担心自己给你造成了极大的不安,让你伤心发愁了。He thought she would break under the strain.他觉得她在压力之下会崩溃的。She retired with a thigh strain.她因大腿拉伤而退出了比赛。A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.已经勘测到圣安德烈亚斯断层的其中一处所承受的拉力在增强。The most commonly reported ailment among VDU operators is eye-strain.视频显示器操作员中最常见的疾病是眼睛疲劳。The long working hours put a severe strain on employees.工作时间长使雇员产生很严重的焦虑情绪。The party split under the strain.在重压之下,这个政党分裂了。There is a genetic strain of red hair among our people.我们这个民族中有一个红头发的遗传种系。Military spending imposes a huge strain on the economy.军费开支给经济带来沉重的负担。His heart finally gave out under the strain.最后由于过度劳累他的心脏出了问题。I couldn't look after him any more; the strain was too much for me.我不能再照看他了; 我太紧张了。There is a strain of madness in that family.那一家人有疯癫的倾向。Deal with any problems when necessary, so preventing a build-up of strain.有必要时就处理一下问题,这样就能防止压力的积聚。The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources.干旱的夏季使水水资源紧张的情况进一步加剧。Kids are put under a tremendous emotional strain when their parents separate.父母分居,小孩子就要承受巨大的情感压力。The emotional and physical strain of the previous day had left him exhausted.前一天情感和体力上的过度紧张使他感到筋疲力尽。I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.我有时觉得偿还按揭贷款让人非常有压力。His Irish strain gives him a sense of humour.他的爱尔兰血统赋予他一种幽默感。Anyone would strain at such an interpretation.这种解释谁都难以接受。The mast will stand any strain.这桅杆经得起任何拉力。These constant delays are a strain on our patience.如此一再延误使我们忍无可忍。It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage.这给他们的婚姻带来了几乎无法承受的压力。Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back.将手放在臀部下面,减轻背部的一些压力。I don't think our relationship could bear the strain of her mother visiting for a month.我认为我们的关系经受不住她母亲来访一个月之久的考验。Although I was under a strain, and drinking a lot at the time, I remember very clearly what happened.尽管当时我紧张疲累,还喝了许多酒,但我清楚地记得所发生的事。Help from other workers took some of the strain off me.其他工人的帮忙减轻了我的负担。




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