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词汇 petition
例句 Public employees are circulating a petition for his recall.公务员们正在散发请愿书,要求将他罢免。We presented a petition to the legislature to change the law.我们将申诉书提交给立法机关,要求修改法律。We've started an online petition.我们已经开始网上请愿。Her petition for divorce was granted.她的离婚请求获得批准。His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.他的律师提请撤销所有指控。All people had the right to petition the king for help.所有人都有权请求国王帮助。A thousand people signed the petition.一千人在请愿书上签了名。Local people got up a petition against the factory closure.当地人组织请愿来反对工厂关闭。The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.该组织打算把这份请愿书呈交议会。The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.这个团体打算把这份请愿书呈递给议会。All the attempts to petition the Congress had failed.所有向国会请愿的努力均告失败。He can file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus.他可以申请人身保护令。She wanted to hand the petition to the president personally.她想亲手把请愿书交给总统。She filed a habeas corpus petition on Padilla's behalf.她代表帕迪利亚递交了人身保护申请书。They've denied your petition. 法院驳回了你的诉状。In the petition, the students listed their many grievances against the university administration.学生们在请愿书上大吐苦情,矛头直指大学的管理层。All of the students signed the petition in a show of unity/solidarity with their classmate.所有学生都在请愿书上签了名,体现出同学间的团结。Local government supports the petition for a new hospital.当地政府支持建立一家新医院的请求。We've been out collecting signatures for our petition.我们出去为我们的请愿征集签名。Their scandalized neighbours began a petition to remove them from the neighbourhood.愤慨的邻居开始提出请愿,要求把他们从社区里驱逐出去。The neighbours submitted a petition asking the town to put up traffic lights near the school.邻居们正式请求市里在学校附近设置红绿灯。The petition will be heard tomorrow.明天将对诉状进行审理。He hoped greatly of the results of the petition.他对请愿结果寄予很大的希望。He subscribed his name to a petition.他在请愿书上签名。He feels that the board is inclinable to his petition.他感到委员会对他的请求抱同情的态度。She joined every protest and signed any petition likely to foment trouble.她参与了每一次抗议活动,并在所有可能引起麻烦的请愿中签了名。They've threatened to get up a petition against the plan.他们已经威胁要发起请愿反对这个计划。The district court has opposed the petition by the local electricity company.区法院驳回了当地电力公司提出的申请。Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.民主党人称请愿会重创州政府。She has filed a petition for divorce.她已向法院申请离婚。Would you like to sign our petition?你愿意在我们的请愿书上签名吗?We're organizing a petition against the proposed building plans.我们正组织请愿,反对拟议中的建筑计划。They're trying to get up a petition to have the movie theater reopened.他们想要组织一次请愿,让这家影院重新开张。Local people started a petition and letter-writing campaign to keep the hospital open.为让医院不关门,当地民众发起请愿和写联名信的活动。She filed a petition for divorce.她提交了离婚申请书。It could louse up your divorce petition.这可能会破坏你的离婚起诉。The petition supports the plan to rebuild the road.请愿支持道路重建计划。Her friends supported her by signing her petition.她的朋友通过签署请愿书支持她。The petition opposes the closures.请愿反对封锁。The petition provoked a storm of criticism.这次请愿激起一片批评之声。




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