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词汇 for children
例句 Most costume patterns are sized for children.大多数化装服的纸样是按儿童尺寸制作的。While it is valuable for children to have individual responsibilities, it is also good to share jobs with them.虽然各负其责对孩子来说是有益的,但与他们一起分担工作也很不错。Education is compulsory for children in most countries.多数国家对儿童实施义务教育。They set up an outreach center for children in the inner city.他们在市中心建立了一个儿童延伸服务中心。The playground gives every appearance of being a safe place for children , but a tragic accident occurred there recently.从各方面看,对孩子而言那个操场似乎是安全的,但最近那里却发生了一次悲惨的事故。This party is no place for children. 这种聚会不是孩子们该去的。This is a game for children which painlessly teaches essential prereading skills.这是个能轻松教会孩子们课前阅读基本技能的游戏。The mobile phone is now a must-have for children.手机现在已经成了孩子们的必备品。She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.她喜欢为孩子们创造想象中的世界。They think that caring for children is women's work.他们认为照料孩子是女人的事。She is nuts for children and animals. 她热爱孩子和动物。It is natural for children to have different views from their parents.孩子的想法不同于父母,这是很自然的。Parental divorce can have lasting negative consequences for children.父母离异会给孩子造成长期的负面影响。It is quite normal for children to be afraid of the dark.小孩子怕黑是很正常的。The generation gap makes it hard for children to relate to their parents.代沟使得儿女们很难跟父母和睦相处。The store have introduced a new range of food for children.商店推出了一系列新的儿童食品。Divorce is never easy for children.父母离婚对孩子来说绝不是件轻松的事。Books for children should have a clear, easy style.儿童读物应有明晰易懂的风格。Watching too much TV is bad for children.看电视时间过长有损孩子健康Talking in small groups is heuristic for children.分成小组讨论对孩子来说具有启发性。He has a soft spot for children. 他非常喜欢孩子。This procedure is usually recommended only for children.此程序通常只建议用于儿童。She yearned for children of her own.她渴望有自己的孩子。The site maintains a listing of free events for children in the area.这个网站上有一份为当地孩子准备的免费活动的清单。The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。The school provides an ideal learning environment for children.学校给孩子们提供了理想的学习环境。Pills are stored in containers with tops that are difficult for children to unscrew.药片装在小孩子不容易打开的容器里。Citizenship is automatic for children born in this country.婴儿出生在这个国家,就自然而然地成为这个国家的公民。Jo Robinson began by humanizing the waiting time at the health centre with tea-making and toys for children.乔·鲁宾逊最早是为在医疗中心候诊的人们提供茶水和儿童玩具,使候诊过程变得人性化。The movie is unsuitable for children.这部电影不适合儿童观看。The movie is unfit for children. 这部影片儿童不宜。There are opportunities for children to attend summer camps.孩子们有机会参加夏令营。Someone needs to speak up for children in our society.在我们这个社会中需要有人站出来为儿童说话。There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do.父亲和母亲一样能照顾好孩子的事实还是没有得到普遍接受。Women who care for children professionally are underpaid.从事儿童保育工作的女性报酬常常偏低。It was customary then for children to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom.那时候的习俗是当老师进入课堂时,孩子们必须起立。The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness.这所学校是专门为那些因患病而导致学业中断的孩子们开办的。Special provision should be made for children.应该为孩子们作出特别的安排。There are lots of TV Christmas specials for children this year.今年有许多专为儿童准备的圣诞电视特别节目。Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike.儿科病会让孩子和父母同样苦恼。




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