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词汇 forcing
例句 He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.他正迫使政府推崇一种现代主义。She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.她强行超到一辆红色的福特车前面,害得那位司机只好急刹车。The Knicks scored in the closing seconds, forcing the game into overtime.尼克斯队在终场前几秒钟得分,使比赛进入加时。The protest disrupted the Democratic convention Saturday, nearly forcing its cancellation.这次抗议活动扰乱了周六的民主党代表大会,使这次会议几乎被迫取消。The defense lawyers tried to impeach the witness's testimony by forcing him to admit that he had changed his story.辩护律师力图通过迫使证人承认自己改变了对事情的描述,来使人怀疑其证言的真实性。The governor keeps making outrageous statements, forcing his staff to spend most of their time doing damage control.州长不断发表言辞激烈的讲话,勒令下属竭尽全力将损失减到最低。She was always forcing her opinions down his throat.她总是强迫他接受自己的观点。He was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to Downing Street.他被控劫持一名出租车司机并强迫他开车把一颗炸弹送到唐宁街。Competition from cheaper imports is forcing manufacturers to retrench.廉价进口商品的竞争迫使生产者紧缩开支。Tough competition is forcing down prices.激烈的竞争正在使价格下降。Competitive pressures are forcing managers to rethink their strategies.竞争压力迫使经理们重新思考他们的策略。Paige could only pick at her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two.佩奇只能磨磨蹭蹭地吃着饭,强迫自己咽下一两口。Elaine kept forcing drinks on him all evening, and he wondered if she was trying to seduce him.伊莱恩整晚都在不停地强劝他喝酒,他怀疑她是否想勾引他。Jen would have no part in forcing Gwen out of her job.迫使格温辞职一事,珍不想参与进去。John stopped, forcing the rest of the group to bunch up behind him.约翰停下脚步,使得其他人在他身后聚了起来。She shrugged, forcing a faint smile.她耸耸肩,挤出一丝微笑。He accused parents of spoiling their children's lives by forcing on them outdated beliefs.他指责做父母的把过时的信仰强加给子女,从而毁了他们的一生。Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students.当下时局艰难,一些社区学院被迫停止招生。The company abused its power, forcing workers to work overtime without pay.公司滥用职权,强迫雇员无偿加班。The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.经济衰退促使公司进行合理化改革。The government was accused of forcing the bill through Parliament.政府被指责迫使议会通过这项提案。The teacher was accused of forcing his political beliefs on impressionable teenagers.这位老师被指控强行向易受影响的青少年灌输他的政治信念。He blamed the press for forcing his hand.他指责媒体的行为迫使他采取行动。The enemy had started a vicious counter-attack, forcing the French into the woods.敌人开始疯狂反攻,把法军逼进了丛林。New developments are forcing long-established firms to look to their laurels.新的发展使那些老牌企业也得小心翼翼地保持自己的声誉。Our government can't even get around to forcing a ban on fox hunting.我们的政府甚至未能强制推行猎狐禁令。Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay overdue salaries and allowances.教师加入了旨在迫使政府支付拖欠薪水和津贴的罢工。The media's efforts often focus public attention on government incompetence, forcing government to do the right thing.媒体往往努力把公众的注意力集中到政府的无能上,从而迫使政府采取正确的行动。Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier.限制车速容易,但强制司机遵守这些限速规定就难办多了。The plane's engine failed, forcing an emergency landing.飞机引擎失灵,被紧急迫降。She pushed aside her anger, forcing herself to focus on her work.她抛开愤怒,强迫自己专心工作。They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.他们正把她的头强行按入冰冷的水下,想淹死她。The plane's engine sputtered and gave out, forcing an emergency landing.飞机的发动机一阵噼啪作响后就停了,不得不紧急迫降。The plight of the economy is forcing businesses to downsize.经济困境迫使企业减员。You don't have to come if you don't want to. Nobody's forcing you.你不想来就不用来,没人逼你。The bad economic news is forcing many people to reappraise their investment strategies.这则经济方面的坏消息迫使许多人重新考虑自己的投资策略。Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up, forcing people to emigrate westwards.经济学家警告,压力可能会越来越大,迫使人们迁往西部。He managed to disengage himself by forcing the jaws of the trap open.他用力撞开罗网的收口处,成功挣脱出来。The government did not give them money, forcing them to scrounge for food.政府没有给他们钱,他们被迫只能去要饭。Clumsy movers made a gouge in the table by forcing it through the doorway.笨拙的搬场工人把桌子硬塞进门口,结果桌子被划了一道深痕。




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