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词汇 persuasion
例句 Many voters are still open to persuasion. 许多选民仍然可以被说服改变意向。He was basically of liberal persuasion.他基本上持自由派的观点。I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get her to agree.我不得不使出浑身解数劝她同意。Bribery apart, there is almost no method of persuasion that is not allowed.除贿赂外,几乎就没有被禁止的说服方式了。I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.我不得不温和地劝了她一会儿她才同意。Despite the glibness of his tongue, I am still impervious to his persuasion.尽管他说得天花乱坠,我还是对他的说法无动于衷。We tried everything – persuasion, bribery, threats.我们什么也试过了 — 劝过,给过好处,也威胁过。All Christians are not of the same persuasion.基督教徒不全属同一个教派。He used all of his powers of persuasion, but she still would not agree.尽管他竭力劝说,她依然不同意。That sort of persuasion doesn't rate a damn with me.那种花言巧语我连听也不要听。The house is of a Tudor persuasion.这幢房子是都铎式的。Parents are encouraged to rely on persuasion rather than punishment.父母们被鼓励依靠说服的方法而不要靠惩罚。I think with a little persuasion we can get her to come here.我认为,我们只要稍微劝劝她,就能说动她来这里。The Republican leader used every means of persuasion to get senators to vote against the bill.共和党领袖用各种方法劝说参议员投票反对那项提案。She is very charming, and skilled in the art of persuasion.她很有魅力,而且很懂得如何说服别人。You could, with a little persuasion, get some of these people to help.你只要稍加劝说就能让这其中的一些人帮忙。No amount of persuasion could move him.怎么说也无法说得他动心。Such men in such straits are open to persuasion.这样的人处于这样的困境是很容易被说服的。Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all.埃利斯劝了半天她才同意办一场展览。Fortunately for me, my kids are of the persuasion that their failings are of their own making.对我来说幸运的是,我的孩子们相信失败是他们自己造成的。Morris is a skilful salesman, practiced in the art of persuasion.莫里斯是个高明的推销员,很有说服技巧。She didn't need much persuasion.她不需要太多的劝说。If persuasion won't work, we may have to resort to force.如果说服工作不见效,我们可能只得诉诸武力。Most kids don't need much persuasion to use computers.大多数孩子不需要太多的劝说就会自己去使用计算机。Many people may be of this persuasion.很多人可能有这种想法。They hope to end the conflict using persuasion rather than threats.他们希望用劝说而不是威胁来结束冲突。It had taken a great deal of persuasion to get him to accept.费尽了口舌才让他接受。Until the law was passed, the agency could only use gentle persuasion to get industries to reduce waste.那项法律通过之前,行政部门只能好言相劝,请企业减少浪费。Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.要想打消她的顾虑得劝说她一番才行。She used a mixture of persuasion and flattery to get what she wanted.她施展劝说加奉承的功夫获得自己想要的东西。They are immune to persuasion/criticism.他们对劝告/批评无动于衷。He will use every means of persuasion to make her stay.他将使用一切手段说服她留下。She is uncertain of what she wants and is open to persuasion.她拿不准自己想要什么,愿意听听别人的说法。Don't underestimate my powers of persuasion.不要小看我的说服能力。After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.几经劝说他同意收回辞呈。She used her powers of persuasion to convince them to buy the house.她用她强大的说服力说服他们买了房子。A bullheaded person listens to no persuasion.顽固的人听不进劝告。Despite your arguments, I remain of the same persuasion as before.不管你怎么争辩,我还是坚持原来的想法。It took a lot of persuasion to get Dad to agree to the idea.劝说了老半天,爸爸才同意那个主意。It would take a lot of persuasion to get him to agree to such an offer.要费很大劲才能劝服他接受这个提议。




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