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词汇 outbursts
例句 The coach is notorious for his violent outbursts.这位教练以脾气暴躁而著称。He hypes the crowd with feral outbursts on the mic.他对着麦克风大声高呼,让观众兴奋起来。That demonstration is the clearest manifestation yet of Shia Muslim opinion, and comes after similar outbursts elsewhere in southern Iraq.那场示威游行发生在伊拉克南部其他地方爆发类似事件之后,再次最清楚不过地表达了什叶派穆斯林的观点。He is not given to hysterical outbursts.他控制住了自己的激烈情绪。We have grown accustomed to his angry outbursts.我们已逐渐习惯于他突然发怒。Her outbursts in the classroom have the effect of reducing her students to gibbering wrecks.她在课堂上大发雷霆,结果把学生吓坏了。As the illness progressed, his delusions took over and he had violent outbursts.随着病情恶化,他脑子里充斥着各种妄想,并伴有暴力行为。Ted's angry outbursts unsettled the whole family.特德的突然发怒使得全家人都诚惶诚恐。He's a talented player but his angry outbursts have made him a pariah in the sport of baseball.他虽天赋异禀,但多次的愤怒失控使他在棒球界成为被排挤的对象。Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.戴安娜的家里挤满了兴奋的人们,他们伴着欢快的音乐不由自主地引吭高歌。He was justified in some of his condemnatory outbursts.他大声谴责,说的有些话还是有道理的。Her outbursts reflected her inability to cope with the loss of her brother.她的突然发脾气说明她无法应对失去兄弟这一事实。He was held in contempt for his outbursts during the trial.他因在审判过程中情绪失控而被判藐视法庭罪。He had a short temper and was prone to outbursts of violence.他是个急性子,常常动粗。Her aggressive outbursts are just a front for her shyness.她咄咄逼人的举止只不过是在掩饰她的羞怯。His drunken outbursts during the mayor's speech were inexcusable.市长讲话时他耍酒疯是不可原谅的。Charlotte was often reduced to tears by his angry outbursts.夏洛特经常因为他大发脾气而泪流满面。




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