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例句 Officials complain that some reporters have prejudged the outcome of the investigation.官方抱怨一些记者对调查结果做出轻率预判。I do not know what the final outcome will be.我不知道最终结果将会是什么。The incident affected the ultimate outcome of the war.这一事件影响了战争的最终结局。He had a powerful and largely unacknowledged effect on the outcome of the election.他对这次选举结果有种巨大的但在很大程度上未被公认的影响。The crowd was panting to hear the outcome.人群渴望听到结果。The outcome of the election turns on how well the candidates perform in the next debate.竞选的结果取决于候选人在下一轮辩论中的表现。A Foreign Ministry statement said that the French government rejoiced at the happy outcome to events.外交部的声明称法国政府很高兴看到事件得到圆满解决。The outcome is by no means guaranteed.结果完全无法保证。Everything hangs on the outcome of this meeting.一切取决于这次会议的结果。He wouldn't have accepted such an inglorious outcome.他本来不会接受这种不光彩的结局。His lawyer was unwilling to give him any kind of assurance about the outcome of the trial.他的律师不愿就审判结果向他作出任何形式的保证。Their strategy produced the desired outcome.他们的策略产生了预期的效果。We use a computer model to predict the outcome of different scenarios.我们用计算机中的模型预测不同方案的效果。A second game will be played to determine the outcome.将举行第二场比赛以确定结果。Boxing has become big business, with a huge amount of money riding on the outcome of a fight.拳击已成为赚大钱的生意,大笔的钱,输赢就看一场拳赛的结果。The election was a dead heat. Nobody could predict the outcome.那场选举竞争剧烈,没有人能预测结果。Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测家对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望,多手下注。The situation changes from day to day, so it is very difficult to see what the outcome will be.情况天天都在变,所以要预见结果是很难的。She was suspended pending the outcome of the police investigation.等待警方调查结果期间她被暂时停职。The outcome of this experiment is well known.这次实验的结果众所周知。He denied that he was anxious about the outcome of tomorrow's vote.他说自己并不为明天的投票结果感到紧张。It would be premature to speculate as to the outcome at this stage.这个时候就推测结果还为时尚早。These voters often determine the outcome of statewide elections.这些投票者往往决定着全州范围内的选举结果。His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet.他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。The outcome of the election was immediately disputed by the opposition parties.选举结果马上遭到反对党的质疑。We accept the outcome of the inquiry, without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.我们接受了调查结果,并没有使悬而未决的领海问题进一步恶化。His anxiety about the outcome melted, only to return later.他对结果的担心逐渐消失,不过一会儿又担心起来。There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.敢于预测大选结果的人不是很多。Chance sometimes governs the outcome of the game.运气有时会决定比赛的胜负。He has a personal stake in the outcome of the war.战争的结果与他有切身的利害关系。Is this not a possible outcome of the development of genetically modified food?这难道不是转基因食品开发可能会导致的一种结果吗?Did the newspapers really affect the outcome of the election?报纸真的影响了选举结果吗?There is a certain predictability about the outcome.结果可想而知。I'll wager my reputation on the outcome of the case.我以自己的名誉赌这件案子的结果。The outcome of his appeal is still doubtful.他上诉的结果仍悬而未定。Many people believe that the outcome of wrestling matches are fixed.许多人都认为摔跤比赛的结果都是安排好了的。Large sums were staked on the outcome.大笔大笔的钱押在了结果上。These actions are a clear attempt to influence the outcome of the elections.这些行为明显是在企图影响选举的结果。The patient's general health and fitness can also affect the outcome of the disease.病人的总体健康状况也能影响这种疾病的结果。The outcome of tomorrow's elections will be studied carefully as a signpost of voter intentions on the really big day this year.明天的选举结果会被作为今年大选的选民意愿风向标来仔细研究。




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