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词汇 peppers
例句 I bought some green peppers for the salad.我买了些青辣椒做沙拉。Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out.将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。The chili peppers give the sauce a little extra zing.辣椒使这种调味汁多了一点刺激的口感。Halve and deseed the peppers.把辣椒切成两半并去籽。The steak was served with peppers and onions.牛排配上甜椒和洋葱。Grill the peppers until the skin starts to char.把辣椒烤到表皮发焦为止。She used red peppers in the salad for color. 她用红辣椒给沙拉添色。Apart from peppers and aubergines, many other vegetables grill well.除了辣椒和茄子,很多其他蔬菜也十分适于烧烤。Stuffed peppers make a good starter for a dinner party.填馅青椒作为宴会的第一道菜很好。Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.给甜椒剥皮去籽。When I was young I liked the acridness of certain kinds of peppers.我年轻的时候喜欢某些种辣椒的刺激。Vegetables such as peppers can overpower the flavor of the stock.像甜椒这样的蔬菜会抢了原汤的味道。My mouth is still burning from the hot peppers.吃了辣椒,我的嘴巴现在还火辣辣地痛呢。Roast the peppers until the skin begins to char and blister.把这些辣椒烤到表皮发黑起泡为止。Fry remaining peppers, adding a little more dressing if necessary.用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。Green peppers don't agree with me.我吃青椒会不舒服。The broccoli, peppers and squash should be steamed.花椰菜、青椒和南瓜应当蒸熟。Cut the peppers into pieces the size of matchsticks.把辣椒切成火柴棍儿大小的细丝。I make excellent chili. The thing is to use the right peppers. 我的辣味肉豆做得很好。关键是得选对辣椒。The delightful pungency of Thai, Indian, and Mexican food comes from chili peppers and spices.泰国、印度和墨西哥食物中爽口的辛辣味来自辣椒和调味香料。The hot peppers burned my mouth.辣椒把我的嘴巴辣痛了。The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.红辣椒的甜味调和了奶酪的咸味。After you wash and seed the peppers you can chop them.辣椒清洗、去籽之后就可以切了。He gave me a great recipe for stuffed peppers.他给了我一份极佳的做填馅辣椒的食谱。Vegetables such as peppers can overpower the flavour of the stock.像甜椒这样的蔬菜会抢了原汤的味道。Red and yellow peppers give a little colour to the sauce.红色和黄色的辣椒给酱汁添加了一点色彩。Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill.将甜椒剖成两半,在滚热的烤架上烤至外壳微焦。Arrange the peppers, garlic and tomatoes in layers.把辣椒、蒜和番茄一层一层码好。We stewed the tomatoes with peppers.我们用辣椒炖番茄。Be careful handling hot peppers.小心处理辣椒。Cook the peppers under a hot grill until the skin chars.把胡椒放到烤架上烤到表皮变焦为止。




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