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词汇 pent
例句 All that pent up frustration gushed out in a torrent of abuse.所有压抑着的失望随着一阵痛骂一下子爆发出来。Her pent-up anger was released in a torrent of words.她压抑的愤怒在滔滔不绝的话语中爆发出来。The reactions were the product of pent-up frustrations.会有这样的反应是因为内心压抑的沮丧情绪。He still had a lot of pent-up anger to release.他还有很多强压的愤怒要发泄。The desire to travel has been pent up for the last two years.近两年来心中老是憋着想出门旅行的念头。The children were full of pent-up energy after the long car ride.孩子们乘了长时间的车,都想好好活动活动。All of his pent-up emotion came pouring out.他所有压抑的情绪都倾泻而出。He has a lot of pent-up aggression.他有许多被压抑的怨恨情绪。He took his pent-up frustration out on his family.他把因挫败而郁积的怒气发泄在家人身上。I've been pent up in this office for over a year.我被困在这个办公室里一年多了。Reliving past experiences can release powerful feelings that have been pent up too long.再次体验过去的经历可以释放长期被压抑的强烈情绪。Take a long walk to release all that pent-up aggression.出去多散散步以消除郁积的好斗情绪。The incident uncorked years of pent-up anger and frustration.这一事件使压抑了多年的愤怒和懊恼一涌而出。Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.放开嗓子尖叫是发泄内心压抑的挫败感的一种好方法。She could finally release her pent-up feelings.她终于能释放她压抑的情感了。Years of pent-up emotion came out as he sobbed.他啜泣着,多年压抑的情感得到释放。His remarks offered a release for her pent-up emotions.他的一番话让她压抑已久的情感得到了宣泄。




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