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词汇 parades
例句 They celebrated the event by holding parades, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks.他们通过举行游行、生起篝火和燃放烟花来庆祝这一事件。It's sickening the way he parades his wealth, his car, and his expensive clothes.他炫耀他的财富、汽车和高档衣服的样子令人作呕。They feted the winning team with banquets and parades.他们用宴会和游行欢迎这支获胜的队伍。They celebrated the event by holding parades, lighting bonfires, and setting off fireworks.他们举行游行、点起篝火、燃放烟花,庆祝这一事件。They are planning to revive the old Saint's Day parades through town.他们打算恢复圣徒节在镇上游行的古老传统。Cinco de Mayo events this year include cookouts, parades, and dances.今年的五月五日节庆祝活动包括户外野餐、花车游行和舞蹈。The festivities include parades, banquets, and balls.庆祝活动包括游行、宴会以及舞会。




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