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We painted the floor white.我们把地板刷成了白色。The front door was painted blue and had a coloured glass panel in it.前门被漆成蓝色,上面镶着一块彩色玻璃。The box was painted bright red.盒子被漆成鲜红色。The upper two-thirds of the wall has been painted.墙上部的三分之二已经粉刷过。She's often been painted as a tough businesswoman.她经常被描述成商场上的女强人。We painted the wooden floor with a white stain.我们把木地板刷成了白色。The wall was painted with little squares to give the appearance of mosaic.墙面漆成一个个小方格,看上去像马赛克的样子。The room looks a treat now that it's been painted.房间油漆后看起来漂亮极了。The walls were painted in a lovely fresh blue.墙壁被漆成可爱的亮蓝色。The shop imports goods such as painted gourd containers.这家商店进口诸如彩绘葫芦容器等商品。The bedroom was painted a lovely cool blue.卧室漆成了清爽的蓝色。The houses were painted various shades of rose.房屋被粉刷成了色泽深浅不同的粉红色。The walls were painted in muted tones to show the pictures to good advantage.墙面被漆成了淡色调,以突出照片。The wall was painted in black.墙被刷成黑色。We painted our table to match the window frame.我们把桌子刷成与窗框相配的颜色。She put on eye shadow and painted her lips with red lipstick.她抹上眼影,涂上红色口红。You mean to tell me he painted the whole house all by himself?你是说整个屋子都是他自己一个人刷的?The children painted and sculpted all morning.整个上午孩子们都在画画和雕刻。A number had been painted underneath the table.桌子底下涂有一个数字。The door had been painted over with a bright red varnish.门漆上了鲜红色的清漆。If we all muck in, we could get the whole house painted by the end of the week.如果我们一起努力,到这周末就能把房子刷完。The walls were painted in two shades of green.墙刷成了两种深浅不同的绿色。The metal can then be painted in the usual way.这种金属随后可按惯常方式上漆。"Ralph painted that, you know." "Get away!"“你知道吗,那画是拉尔夫画的。”“瞎扯!”The headlights raked across a painted sign.车头灯扫过一张标志牌。Each kamagraph looks as though the artist had painted it by hand.用卡马油画复制法复制的每一幅画都像是画家亲笔所绘。The stained-glass panels are etched and then hand-painted using traditional methods.彩色玻璃窗上蚀刻了图案,并用传统方法手工着色。I painted the inside of the house.我粉刷了一遍房子内部。Most Chinese pictures are painted on silk scrolls.中国画大都是画在绢卷轴上的。She painted landscapes as well as portraits.她既画风景,也画肖像。The foreground, nearest the viewer, is painted last.距离观者最近的前景是最后才画的。The walls had been painted very badly.墙壁粉刷得很差劲。Who painted the house that awful color?谁把房子漆成如此难看的颜色?She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice.她喜欢这里高高的天花板,它造型优美,还带有一圈漆成白色的飞檐。The figures in the foreground are painted more brightly than those farther away.前景里的人物比起后景里的人物画得更明亮。He painted several pictures of his father.他画了几幅他父亲的肖像。The photographer poses his subjects against painted backdrops.摄影师让他的拍摄对象在绘制的背景布前摆好姿势。The plates are painted by our finest craftsmen.这些盘子是由我们最优秀的工匠手工绘制的。The wall was painted with a large mural depicting famous scenes from American history.墙上的巨幅壁画描绘了美国历史上的著名场景。He painted swirls of color on the canvas.他在画布上画了色彩旋涡。 |