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例句 His eyes beetled across the page.他的眼光扫过那一页书。A sense of humour animates every page of his book.幽默感使他作品的每一页都妙趣横生。If you turn over, you'll find the list you want on the next page.如果翻一页,你就会在下页发现想要的列表。Write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.把你的名字写在这一页上方的空白处。U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use.美国政府的专家们审查了每一页内容,涂掉了外国情报专家可能利用的任何信息。She sat and stared at the figures on the page.她坐下来盯着这一页上的数字。Number the pages before you start.在开始前将每一页都编上页码。He scrutinized the pages with a critical eye.他用批判的眼光一页一页地仔细检查着。I scanned the page for her name.我迅速浏览那一页找她的名字。Extra information will be found at the bottom of the page.补充信息见这一页的最下面。Please read the top line of the page.请读这一页的第一行。A single word at the foot of a page caught her eye.其中一页底部的一个字吸引了她的注意。The page had a line missing from the bottom.一页的下端少了一行。The page did not copy well.一页没复印好。She rolled a sheet of paper into her typewriter and started to type.她将一页白纸卷入打字机内并开始打字。Halfway down the page, there was the item I was looking for.在这一页中间有我在找的内容。Each spreadsheet page is made up of a grid of columns and rows.一页电子表格都是由有许多行和列的网格构成。The book wants a page at the end.书的末尾缺一页The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was similarly brief.她写给我的第一封信不到一页,第二封信也差不多那么短。We could get more lines on the page if we reduced the type size.如果把字号调小一点,我们就可以在这一页上多加几行字。The mistake jumped out of the page at him.一页上的错误一下就被他注意到了。I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.我把当父亲看作是翻开生命新一页的一个机会。Can you read the words on this page?请你读一读这一页上的单词好吗?She put her initials on each page of the contract.她把姓名的首字母写在合同的每一页上。He tore the page out of the magazine.他把这一页从杂志上撕了下来。The page was covered in doodles.一页满是涂鸦。The book fell open at a map of the city.这本书碰巧在有一张那个城市地图的一页打开。He ripped the page out of the magazine.他把那一页从杂志上撕掉了。The page was headed 'Expenses'.一页的标题为《开支》。There is a page missing from this book.这本书缺掉一页As I turned the page his picture leapt out at me.我刚翻过那一页,他的照片立即映入我的眼帘。I have to wade through pages and pages of heavy stuff to get to the good bits.我不得不读完一页一页无聊的内容才能找到有意思的部分。Draw two intersecting lines that divide the page into four quadrants.画两条相交的线,将这一页分成四等份。The page was optically scanned.一页进行过光学扫描。He ripped a page out of the phone book.他从电话簿上撕下了一页He left a dirty thumbprint on the page.他在那一页上留下了脏兮兮的拇指印。He was dabbing at the page, trying to dry the ink.他在轻轻擦拭那一页,试图把墨水吸干。He turned the pages of a file in front of him.一页一页地翻着他面前的文件。Dan tore the page out, crumpled it, and threw it in the wastepaper basket.丹把这一页撕下来揉成一团扔进了废纸篓里。The magazine contains pages and pages of advertisements for foreign holidays.杂志里面有一页一页海外度假的广告。




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