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词汇 outrageous
例句 The customer's letter of complaint was filled with hyperboles and outrageous claims.顾客的投诉信里满是夸大之词和蛮横的要求。This is actually an outrageous overreaction.这事实上是令人无法容忍的过激反应。The judge criticized the "outrageous greed" of some of the bankers.法官批评有些银行家“无耻贪婪”。She used to say some outrageous things.她过去常常说一些荒唐的话。She is a fan of his outrageous humour.她喜欢他无所顾忌的幽默。This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems.这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人。I've always thought it outrageous that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich.我一向认为富人的减税要穷人来补偿是极不公平的。She's known for her wild hairdos and outrageous costumes.她以发型狂野和服装怪异闻名。Pat was wearing an outrageous purple dress, so, not to be outdone, I put on my new gold suit.帕特穿了件前卫惹火的紫色连衣裙,我不甘示弱,穿上了那套新买的金色套装。Many have priced themselves out of the market with outrageous charges.很多商品都因为要价过高而无人购买。Yes, the bank keep piling these outrageous charges on my bank account with great regularity.是呀,银行经常会从我的账户里收取这些骇人的费用。The movie is full of outrageous sight gags.这部电影里尽是些出人意料的无言笑话。It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.令人气愤的是,那些数字并没有公开。Jordan has this outrageous image but I think it's all a big front, no pun intended.乔丹样子吓人,但我只是说他个子大,并无别的意思。The newspapers exclaimed against the outrageous distortion of truth.报界强烈谴责对真相无耻的歪曲。It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。Eminem's whole schtick is being outrageous.埃米纳姆的整套表演风格就是肆无忌惮。The article makes some outrageous claims about her personal life.文章提出一些有关她私人生活的令人震惊的说法。It's outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.穷人要缴纳如此高的税款,很不公正。Her choice of outfit demonstrated her taste for the outrageous.她选那样的套装彰显了她大胆独特的个人趣味。Newspapers publish these outrageous stories because they know what their public wants.报纸刊登这些耸人听闻的报道是因为他们知道读者想要看些什么。Her outrageous stage act is seen as a challenge to conventional morality.她在舞台上的大胆表演被认为是向传统道德发出的挑战。American firms have been paying outrageous fees for a peek at the technical data.美国公司为了一窥这些技术数据一直在支付巨额费用。I can't afford this outrageous price.我出不起这么骇人的天价。The President accused the writer of an outrageous personal attack on his wife.总统指责该作者对他妻子作出令人难以容忍的人身攻击。I felt as if I had made an outrageous howler.我感觉自己好像犯了一个愚蠢的大错。She described his remarks as irresponsible, inflammatory and outrageous.她称他的话不负责任、具煽动性且极端无礼。He says the most outrageous things.他总是语出惊人。Toronto's outrageous mayor was in rare form during his speech last night.多伦多市让人讨厌的市长昨晚发表演讲时表现得特别精彩。They will be punished for their outrageous behavior/conduct.他们因为蛮横无理的行为将受到惩罚。He was making some outrageous claims, but the audience was really lapping it up.他在发表一些耸人听闻的主张,听众却听得如痴如醉。He has a fondness for outrageous double entendre.他很喜欢用无礼、下流的双关语。Charges for local telephone calls are particularly outrageous.本地电话资费贵得出奇。I'm still boggled over her outrageous statements.对于她那蛮横的声明我心有余悸。Nearly every day some new outrageous incident would take place.几乎每天都有一些骇人听闻的事件发生。It was an outrageous piece of dangerous driving.这是一种极为恶劣的危险驾驶行为。At first it seemed like an outrageous idea, but then we realized that it wasn't so crazy after all.起初大家觉得这个想法很古怪,后来我们认识到它并非那么不切实际。The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。I must apologise for my outrageous behaviour.我必须为自己极端无礼的行为道歉。Disaffected young people are an ideal audience for his outrageous political opinions.心怀不满的年轻人是他那些无耻的政治观点的理想拥护者。




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