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例句 The handouts had all the major points of his speech outlined on them.散发的资料上有他发言的全部要点。The Ritz was outlined against the lights up there.高悬的灯光映照出里兹饭店的轮廓。The distant coastline was dimly outlined against the evening sky.夜空下,远处海岸线的轮廓依稀可见。The mountain was outlined against the setting sun.夕阳映衬出了山的轮廓。I'll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined.我来具体说说玛格丽特刚才简单介绍的这个计划。She outlined the case to him, being careful not to leave anything out.她向他概述了情况,小心不遗漏每件事情。He outlined the limits of British power.他勾画了英国的势力范围。The policy is outlined in the party's election manifesto.该党在竞选宣言中概述了它的政策。He outlined his vision for the new economic order.他概述了自己对新经济秩序的展望。At a press conference the company outlined its priorities going forward.在一次记者招待会上,公司概述了今后优先要做的事项。The proposed changes were outlined at a news conference.新闻发布会上大概介绍了提议中的改革。Councillor Stone then outlined the arguments in favour of the proposed changes.斯通议员接着概述了支持所建议的改动的论据。He was outlined in the light of a lamp.灯光衬托出他的身影。The new president outlined plans to deal with crime, drugs, and education.新总统概述了解决犯罪、毒品和教育问题的计划。A figure stood darkly outlined against the window.一个人影站立着,在窗上映出黑乎乎的轮廓。The President outlined his vision for the future.总统勾画了他对未来的设想。The president outlined in broad strokes the path that the nation must follow.总统粗略地勾划出了国家必须走的道路。He listened as I outlined my reasons.他听我大概说了一下我的理由。The teacher outlined landmarks in the history of mankind.老师概述了人类历史上的里程碑。He sat by the window, his handsome profile outlined against the sky.他坐在窗边,蓝天衬托着他那俊秀的侧面。His introduction outlined the main points of the speech.他的开场白概述了演讲的几个主要部分。In her speech, the director outlined her vision for the future.主管在她的发言中展望了未来前景。At the interview she outlined what I would be doing.面试时她简要介绍了一下我将要从事的工作。All players must follow the rules outlined above.所有运动员都必须遵守上述规定。We have outlined only the bare bones of the method.我们只粗略地介绍了这个方法的基本要点。The methods outlined in this book are only suggestions.本书概括的一些方法仅供参考。She was fired for not performing the duties outlined in her contract.她由于没有履行合同中规定的职责而被解雇了。The hotel was outlined against the evening sky.宾馆的轮廓在夜空的衬托下显现出来。The President outlined his agenda for the next term.总统简要说明了他下一个任期的施政纲领。She outlined to Mona the details of her mother's relationship.她向莫娜扼要地讲明了她母亲亲戚关系的具体情况。The government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights.政府简要列出了一套新的人权提案。The bishop outlined the church's views in a pastoral letter.主教在致教徒教书中概述了教会的观点。The leaves on the vase are outlined in gold.花瓶上的叶子镶上了金边。The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.课程负责人扼要地介绍了我们要学习的课程。The report outlined possible uses for the new weapon.该报告概述了这种新式武器的可能用途。He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.他粗略地概述了该歌剧的剧情。I could see a solitary figure outlined against the horizon.我看到地平线上现出一个孤单的身影。She had large eyes that were darkly outlined in black.她有一双大眼睛,描着黑色的眼线。She outlined a rolling plan for overseas development.她为海外发展制订了一个机动计划。It was a beautiful sight outlined above the starry sky.星空之上映衬出美景。




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