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词汇 publishes
例句 The Institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.该机构出版双周会刊。The newspaper publishes in Taipei.这家报纸在台北出版。Their company publishes a wide selection of books.他们公司出版的书籍选题广泛。The government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.政府每半年公布一次失业人数。He publishes his findings in a strange language of his own concoction.他用一种自己杜撰的奇怪语言发表了研究结果。The magazine publishes articles about such varied subjects as astronomy, politics, and gardening.这份杂志刊登有关诸如天文学、政治学、园艺等不同题材的文章。The company publishes a weekly bulletin for its employees.这家公司每周为员工出一期简报。The charity publishes adult and junior newsletters.该慈善机构出版成人及青少年的时事通讯。The society publishes a newsletter twice a year.该社团一年出版两次简报。The university press publishes academic titles.这家大学出版公司出版学术类图书。The debate will ratchet up a notch on Wednesday when the Commission publishes its report.星期三委员会发表报告,辩论又将升级。He publishes the present book as a pendant to his earlier one.他出版此书作为前一本书的补编。The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday.这家报纸每周一出版一份体育副刊。The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics.该组织定期出版一份环境统计数据摘要。The organization publishes a digest of statistics.该组织出版一份统计数据摘要。The company publishes a monthly digest of its activities.该公司每月出一份活动简报。It's a small company that only publishes about four books a year.这是家小公司,一年只出版大概四本图书。The paper publishes two brainteasers every Saturday.这份报纸每个星期六都刊载两道智力测验题。




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