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词汇 pubs
例句 Tim took her to funny out-of-the-way pubs.蒂姆带她去一些位置偏僻、风格怪异的酒吧。They go to the pubs not for the drink alone, but for the crack.他们去酒馆不仅是为了喝酒,也是为了找乐子。If you went into town, you'd notice all the pubs have loud jukeboxes.如果你进了城,你会注意到所有的酒吧都有音量很大的自动点唱机。We ate at a lot of good pubs on our trip to England last summer.去年夏天我们在英格兰旅行时去过许多家很棒的酒吧。She doesn't like going to pubs because of the smoky atmosphere.她不喜欢去酒吧,因为那里空气不好,烟雾弥漫。His father had played the banjo in pubs around East Ham.他父亲曾在伊斯特汉姆一带的酒吧里弹奏班卓琴。They go to the pubs not for the drink alone, but for the craic.他们去酒吧不仅是为了喝酒,还是为了找乐子。I had to sing in crowded, smoky pubs.我不得不在拥挤、烟雾缭绕的酒馆唱歌。It's one of those modern theme pubs.这是那种时尚的主题酒吧。Lots of pubs like to deck themselves out with flowers in summer.夏日里有许多酒吧喜欢用鲜花来装饰店面。There's not much in the way of entertainment in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.这个城镇没多少娱乐活动——也就是这家影院和几家酒馆。She works clubs and pubs.她在俱乐部和酒吧表演。I've phoned round the local pubs and restaurants – they're all fully booked.我已经打电话四处询问当地的酒馆和饭店,它们都预订满了。It is a source of embarrassment to Londoners that the standard of pubs is so low.酒馆水准之低让伦敦人觉得颜面尽失。The time of opening of pubs is regulated by law.酒店的开始营业时间由法律规定。Some places are no more than glorified pubs.有些地方不过就是些浪得虚名的酒吧。Within a five mile radius of Ollerton there are several pubs and restaurants.奥勒顿半径五英里范围之内有一些酒吧和餐馆。There are some nice little pubs in the villages round here.这附近的村子里有些不错的小酒吧。Why do we pay to overheat pubs and hotels?为什么我们要为酒吧和宾馆不必要的暖气开支买单呢?A lot of pubs nowadays do most of their trade at lunchtimes.现在的许多小酒馆,大多数生意都是在午饭时。London has more pubs and clubs than the rest of the country put together.伦敦的酒馆和俱乐部比英国其他地区所有的加在一起还要多。We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.我们在利物浦所有的小酒吧和低级夜总会演出过。This book is a collection of slices of life in the pubs.这本书是反映酒馆生活多个侧面的短篇集。They wouldn't serve me in any pubs 'cos I looked too young.这些酒吧都不让我进,因为我看上去太小了。We used to hear people rolling out of the pubs at closing time.我们以前经常听到人们到了打烊时间才离开酒吧。The group started off at school, sometimes playing in local pubs.这个乐队是在学校时组建的,有时在当地的酒吧表演。Some places were no more than glorified pubs.一些地方名字叫得好听,其实不过是酒馆而已。Iused to meet customers in bars and pubs or whatever, and we'd do our business there.我过去经常在酒吧或酒馆之类的地方会见顾客,并在那儿洽谈生意。What time do the pubs shut?酒吧什么时候打烊?




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