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词汇 organization
例句 It's a strictly neutral organization.这是个完全中立的组织。The organization has a welcoming collegial atmosphere.机构内气氛融洽,令人感到备受欢迎。The organization was unable to maintain its dominance.这个组织无法维持其主导地位。Grey took every opportunity to lambast Thompson and his organization.格雷不放过任何一个炮轰汤普森及其组织的机会。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。He belonged to a fraternal organization.他是一家兄弟会组织的成员。The organization was brought into existence in 1980.这一机构成立于一九八○年。Inside the organization, there would be a task of turning a one-man show into a group operation.在该组织内部,将有一个把个人独断改变为集体领导的任务。He had achieved all his goals for the organization, and felt there were no challenges left there for him.他为这个机构实现了自己所有的目标,觉得那里已再没有什么挑战了。Efficiency depends on good organization.高效率依赖于良好的组织。The organization is still alive and kicking.该组织仍很活跃。The organization is fronted by Keith Flynn, who has been associated with other political groups in the past.这个组织由基思·弗林领导,他过去与其他政治组织有来往。He gamely defended his organization's decision.他极力为自己所属组织的决策辩解。I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive.我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。Mr. Smith did a lot of work for a voluntary organization.史密斯先生为一民办组织做了很多工作。The organization was the brainchild of the mayor.这个机构是根据市长的设想而成立的。The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.官僚主义的惰性扼杀了这个组织。She's the brains of this organization.她是这个机构的智囊。The sheer size of the organization makes communication difficult.该机构规模庞大,仅仅这一点就造成了沟通困难。The youngsters were lured into a terrorist organization.年轻人被诱骗加入了恐怖组织。The lessons that you learn are how you prepare yourselves as an organization.你们获得的教训是作为一个组织应如何做好准备。Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan Horse to advance their causes.两派都指责对方利用这个组织作幌子以达到自己的目的。The organization still believes the government is being one-sided.该组织仍然认为政府有失公允。The organization is working to improve conditions for the poor by providing them with jobs, health care, and better housing.这个组织正致力于改善穷人的生活境况,给他们提供工作、医疗保健和更好的住房。This is a somewhat pinkish organization.这是个有点较为激进的组织。The organization helps children from working-class backgrounds to go to university.该组织帮助工人阶级出身的孩子上大学。The organization split down the middle over the issue.这个组织就此问题发生争论,分裂成两派。The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization.比利时外交大臣回应说,保护难民是国际组织的事情。All participants must follow the guidelines set down by the organization.所有参与人员都必须遵守组织方制定的规定。The new organization will be based in Dallas.这个新的机构总部将设在达拉斯。The organization has come intopublic notoriety through the misbehaviour of its employees.这个组织由于它的雇员行为不检已在公众中声名狼藉。Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advance their causes.两派都相互指责对方利用该组织作幌子以发展各自的事业。The organization is very right-wing.这个组织非常右倾。His death left the organization bereft of leadership.他的死使这个组织群龙无首。He wanted to take charge of the organization.他想要接管那个组织。With the organization under so much scrutiny, it is even more important that they work/operate within the law. 这个机构正在接受重重审查,其合法运作就更重要了。Our organization sets high standards of professional conduct.我们的组织设立了很高的职业行为标准。Everyone knew the organization had been infiltrated by government agents, but could not prove it.每个人都知道组织内部混进了政府的特工人员,但无法证实。The organization is staffed by volunteers.在这个组织工作的都是志愿者。The organization may soon cease to exist if more funding isn't provided.如果无法筹集到更多的资金,这个机构可能很快会解散。




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