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词汇 babies
例句 These mild fits are quite a common occurrence in babies.这种轻微的病症在婴儿中很常见。Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot.婴儿和父母睡在一块儿比单独睡在婴儿床中能得到更多的触觉刺激。The unit provides specialist medical care for premature babies.该部门为早产儿提供专家医疗护理。Some hospitals take the soleprints of newborn babies.有些医院给新生儿取足底印。Heart attacks were extremely rare in babies, he said.婴儿极少有心脏病发作的情况,他说。I have no patience with the hypothesis that babies are born pretty much alike.我最受不了那种认为初生婴儿长得大都一个样的胡乱猜测。A lot of babies spit up after feeding.许多婴儿会在进食后会溢奶。Someone had gone into the nursery and swapped all the babies around.有人进过婴儿室,把所有婴儿都调换了位置。Most new babies will want to feed every few hours.大部分新生儿每隔几小时就需喂哺一次。Car seats for young babies should face the rear.婴儿的汽车座椅应该向后放置。She's not sure yet how many babies she's carrying.她还不清楚自己怀着几个小孩。Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究观察婴儿的行为。She gets all soppy when she's around babies.她围着一群婴儿转的时候,就完全变傻了。Darling, I just want to stay with you and make babies!亲爱的,我就想和你在一起,生上一群孩子!She gets all sappy when she is around babies.她和小宝宝们在一起时,就变得很愚蠢。Antibodies found in breast milk protect newborn babies against infection.母乳中含有的抗体可保护新生婴儿免受感染。A hospital is to fit newborn babies with electronic tags to foil kidnappers.一家医院计划在新生儿身上安置电子追踪器,防止婴儿被拐卖。Nine-month-old babies are given hearing tests by health visitors.卫生访问员会给九个月大的婴儿做听力测试。Caroline and her best friend both had babies within three weeks of each other.卡罗琳和她最要好的朋友在前后不到三个星期的时间里都生了孩子。Those with babies get on the bus before others.怀抱婴儿的乘客比别人先上公共汽车。Riding in a car often has a hypnotic effect on babies.坐车常对婴儿有催眠效果。The first myth about motherhood is that new mothers instantly fall in love with their babies.说起母性,人们首先便会想当然地认为,孩子一出世,初为人母者便会对他们产生感情。Women who smoke risk giving birth to underweight babies.抽烟的妇女有可能会生下体重不足的婴儿。Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.早产婴儿放在保温箱里保育。All babies look flat-footed and when they walk the whole sole touches the ground.婴儿们看上去都是平足,他们走路的时候整个脚掌都着地。Newborn babies can discriminate between a man's and a woman's voice.新生儿会辨别男人和女人的声音。The babies have a good time splashing about in the pool.孩子们在游泳池里嬉水打闹,玩得很高兴。It's frustration that motivates babies to learn to walk.激励婴儿学习行走的是挫折感。Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.斯特恩还研究、观察婴儿的行为。The hospital is unable to provide the highly specialized care needed by very sick babies.医院无法为重症婴儿提供非常专业化的护理。Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.大多数婴儿能轻易地消化多种食物。The house was in an uproar, with babies crying and people shouting.房子里有婴儿在哭,还有人在大叫,一片吵闹。Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mother's milk.婴儿所需营养均来自母乳。Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep.母亲们一般让婴儿平躺着睡。Mothers with young babies rarely have much spare time.带婴儿的母亲很难得有空闲时间。Many babies with serious disabilities are miscarried.很多有严重缺陷的胎儿都流产了。I've known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually.我认识芭芭拉很多年了,实际上我们从小就认识。At this age, babies do not yet combine sounds into a meaningful whole.在这个年龄,小宝宝能发出一些音,但还不会将声音片段连成具有完整意义的话。You should always put babies to sleep on their backs.你应该让婴儿总是仰躺着睡。She has a soft spot for pets and babies.她对宠物和婴儿最易动情。




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