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词汇 flunked
例句 I passed/failed/flunked my biology test.我通过了/没通过生物测验。Your son is upset because he flunked a history exam.你儿子心烦意乱是因为没有通过历史考试。I flunked my Biology exam.我生物考试不及格。He flunked a history exam.他历史考试不及格。The professor flunked Hunter.教授给汉特打了不及格分数。I flunked, and had to do the test again.我不及格,得重考。John flunked maths.约翰数学不及格。The teacher flunked him because he wouldn't try.因为他不努力,所以老师给了他不及格。She flunked the state bar exam four times before she finally passed.她参加州律师资格考试四次不及格后才终于通过了。His parents really hit the roof when they found out he had flunked out of school.他的父母发现他因考试不及格被劝退学后非常生气。Brant flunked out of college his first year.布兰特上大学第一年就因所有科目都不及格而退学了。You scored 60, but your teacher still flunked you. He did it intentionally, so to speak.你得了六十分,但是你的老师还是把你当掉。他可以说是故意不让你过。He flunked chemistry examination.他化学考试不及格。He flunked out of college.他因学业不及格而被大学退学。He flunked in the final examination.他期终考试不及格。She flunked the physics examination.她物理考试不及格。Hubbard loathed education after he flunked college himself.因考试不及格而被学院劝退后,哈伯德就反感教育。More than half of her class flunked.她班里一多半人没及格。Dan won't be in college next year - he flunked out.丹明年不会继续上大学——他成绩不好退学了。Tony flunked chemistry last semester.托尼上学期化学考试不及格。He tried going to college, but he flunked out after one year.他尝试了一下上大学,但一年后却因为考试不及格而被退学。Her not following the instructions flunked her.她由于不照指示做没考及格。I flunked out of uni and went to work in a pub.我因考试不及格被大学开除后就到一间酒吧上班了。




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