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词汇 fluke
例句 This is not an accident. This is not a fluke.这既非偶然,也非侥幸。By sheer fluke, one of the shipowner's employees was in the city.非常凑巧的是,船主的一个雇员正在城里。The discovery was something of a fluke.这个发现可以说是个意外。I'll have to win more than once, otherwise people will think it was a fluke.我必须赢一次以上,否则人家会以为我只是侥幸。It was a fluke goal, one out of the blue.那是个幸运球,纯属意外。She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke.她平时乒乓球打得并不好,那取胜的一击抽球不过是侥幸而已。His election victory was just a fluke.他的当选纯属侥幸。By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.由于神奇的巧合,我们后来竟在同一家公司工作。Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.第二次夺冠证明她第一次夺冠不仅仅是侥幸。He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.他也认为第二个进球是侥幸。The first goal was just a fluke.第一个进球只是侥幸命中。She's out to prove her success was no fluke.她一心想证明自己并非侥幸成功。I think their last win was just a fluke.我认为他们上次获胜只是侥幸罢了。Whether it's a fluke or a trend, the last ten years have seen highly destructive hurricanes.不管是偶然现象还是趋势使然,过去的十年出现了一些极具破坏性的飓风。That first goal was a fluke and the second a rebound.第一个进球实属侥幸,第二个进球是反弹入网。




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