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词汇 flunk out
例句 His parents really hit the roof when they found out he had flunked out of school.他的父母发现他因考试不及格被劝退学后非常生气。He didn't flunk out, but his record isn't so hot.他没有不及格,但成绩不太好。He flunked out of college.他因学业不及格而被大学退学。It was extremely humiliating to flunk out of law school like that.像那样从法学院被迫退学是很丢脸的事。Twenty students have been flunked out and had to leave the school.二十名学生考试不及格而被学校勒令退学。Dan won't be in college next year - he flunked out.丹明年不会继续上大学——他成绩不好退学了。I flunked out of uni and went to work in a pub.我因考试不及格被大学开除后就到一间酒吧上班了。Brant flunked out of college his first year.布兰特上大学第一年就因所有科目都不及格而退学了。He tried going to college, but he flunked out after one year.他尝试了一下上大学,但一年后却因为考试不及格而被退学。You either pass and get your degree or flunk out.你要么通过考试拿到学位,要么就退学回家。He flunked out of flight training.他因不及格而退出飞行训练。




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