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词汇 operates
例句 The motor operates at very high speeds.马达飞速运转。The supermarket operates a complimentary shuttle service.这家超市提供免费往返购物班车。This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates.这一部分将试图说明英格兰银行是如何运作的。The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.该旅游咨询处提供实用的住宿查询服务。His company operates in several countries.他的公司在几个国家有业务活动。A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.有免费班车往返于酒店和市区。The following examples illustrate how this operates in practice.下面几个例子说明这实际上是如何操作的。A playgroup operates on the campus.校园里开办了一个幼儿游戏班。The light operates by a timer switch.这个灯由定时开关控制。The single transferable vote system operates.运行的是单一可转让投票制。The organization operates a recycling program.这个组织在进行一个回收计划。The old-boy network still operates in some City banks.在某些城市商业银行,老同学关系网仍然管用。The motor operates at low voltages.发动机在低电压下运转。The newspaper operates/runs on a shoestring.这家报纸营运经费很少。The company already operates a greyhound track.这家公司业已运营一条赛狗跑道。The company operates a share incentive scheme for its workers.公司对员工实行股份奖励机制。His son operates a custom furniture business.他的儿子开了一家公司,经营定制家具。This machine is of an old model, but it still operates well.这台机器是老型号,可是仍运转良好。Who operates that machine?那台机器由谁操作? The couple owns and operates the business.这对夫妻共同拥有并经营这家企业。The airline operates regular flights to Greece.这家航空公司有到希腊的定期航班。The tractor operates on diesel oil.拖拉机用柴油开动。We need someone who operates well under pressure.我们需要面对压力仍然能表现良好的人。Olivetti operates in all the major computer markets in the world.奥利维提公司在全世界所有主要的电脑市场上都有业务。The drugs squad operates in the greatest secrecy.缉毒队以极其秘密的方式展开行动。I think this government operates on the basis of expediency, not of principle.我认为这届政府做事毫无原则,只顾眼前之事。The bus company operates a Monday to Saturday service.这家巴士公司周一至周六运营。I don't know how the electoral system operates in France.我不知道法国的选举制度是如何运转的。The doctor explained how the clinic operates.医生介绍了诊所的运作方式。The company operates a strict no-smoking policy.公司执行严格的禁烟政策。The bookstore operates on sale or return. 这家书店以代销方式经营。That business operates in several countries.那家商行在几个国家有业务活动。Racism operates at many levels, conscious and unconscious.种族主义在许多层面上有意识或无意识地产生影响。The industry operates under rigid guidelines.该行业在严格的规则指导下运转。Lawyers have their own professional association, which operates a strict code of conduct.律师有他们自己的专业协会,协会有一套严格的行为准则。He operates in the negotiations with tact.他在谈判过程中表现机智灵活。The city library operates several suburban branchs.市图书馆办了好几处郊区分馆。A shuttle service operates between the hotel and the beach.在宾馆和海滩之间有往返班车。AOL also operates two other major instant messaging services.美国在线还经营另外两种重要的即时通信业务。The camera also operates underwater.这架相机在水下也能拍摄。




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