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词汇 on camera
例句 The moment was caught on camera.照相机拍下了那一瞬间。That newscaster is a showboat, she wants to be on camera all the time.那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头。She proved to be a natural on camera.事实证明她在镜头前很有表演天赋。His attempt to break into the store was caught on camera. 他企图闯入商店的行为被摄像机记录了下来。They were caught on camera running a red light in the centre of town.他们被摄像头拍到在市中心闯红灯。He was caught on camera robbing the bank.他抢劫银行时被摄像头拍下来了。Why do people take part in these shows and spill their guts on camera in front of a studio audience?为什么人们参加这样的节目,并当着演播室观众的面,对着摄像机倾诉衷肠?Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,于是戏里专门为她加写了一个角色。They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.他们粗暴打人的场景被拍了下来。Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.几乎什么事情都可能发生,我们要赶去那里进行现场抓拍。




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