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词汇 off with
例句 The car was covered in rust and Joey had to scrape it off with a knife.汽车外面都生了锈,乔伊不得不用刀把锈刮掉。Someone went off with my pencil/wallet.有人偷走了我的铅笔/钱包。They had turkey and stuffing topped off with large helpings of mashed potatoes.他们吃了火鸡和填料,上面还有大份的土豆泥。My friend paired off with an English teacher who taught in a junior middle school.我的一位朋友与一位初中英语老师结婚了。The man went to prison but the boy got off with a warning.那个男子坐牢去了,而那个男孩只受到警告而没有受处罚。He was polished off with a shotgun blast to the face.他被猎枪击中面部身亡。The series kicked off with an interview with Brando.系列节目以采访白兰度开始。When you get tired of driving, I'll trade off with you. = When you get tired of driving, we can trade off. 你要是开车开累了,我来换你。He sponged a wrong letter off with a rubber.他用橡皮擦掉了一个错误的字母。A teenage boy knocked him to the ground and ran off with his briefcase.一个十几岁的男孩将他打倒在地,抢了他的公文包逃走了。Watch it - you nearly knocked my head off with that plank!小心点,你差点儿用那块厚木板把我的脑袋砸掉了!He tried to be off with the old relationship with Mary.他企图结束与玛丽的旧关系。Someone broke into the office and made off with some valuable equipment.有人破门闯入办公室,偷走了一些贵重的设备。She's gone off with her husband's best friend.她和丈夫最好的朋友好上了。She palmed him off with some story or others.她用一套假话把他瞒过去了。Your suggestion hits off with our plan.你的建议符合我们的计划。I wish you'd stop going off with my car without asking me beforehand.你连个招呼都不打就开走我的车,我真希望你不要再这样了。We finished off with a dessert of honey and nuts.我们最后吃了蜂蜜果仁甜点。The salesman fobbed the lady off with an imitation diamond.推销员哄骗这位太太购买了假钻石。I think she gets a bit browned off with him borrowing the car all the time.他总是跟她借车,我想这有点惹恼了她。She's gone off with my book.她把我的书擅自拿走了。I suppose Carolyn went off with some man she'd fallen in love with.我想卡罗琳与她爱上的那个男人私奔了。The salesman tried to palm us off with some shopsoiled sheets.售货员设法用商店陈列过的旧床单来哄骗我们。The conference kicked off with a speech by the chairman.会议以主席的讲话开始。I'm cheesed off with those people.那些人真叫我烦死了。Hal led the evening off with some folk songs.哈尔唱了几首民歌来作为晚会的开始。Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉定妆,再用刷子扫去多余的散粉。A thief ran off with hundreds of pounds yesterday after holding up a petrol station.一名窃贼昨天持械抢劫一家加油站后带着数百英镑逃跑了。They said Phil had run off with his wife's best friend.他们说菲尔与他妻子最好的朋友一起私奔了。Watch it! You nearly knocked my head off with that stick!当心!你差点用那棍子把我的头打掉!I did get a bit cheesed off with the movie's rather plodding pace.我对这部电影缓慢单调的剧情发展确实有点厌烦。My secretary's been off with flu for the past week.我的秘书上周得了流感没来上班。Mark was palmed off with a series of excuses.马克被一连串借口打发了。Guards in the lobby prevent employees from going off with computers and sensitive documents.大堂里有警卫防止员工拿走电脑和敏感的文件。Someone has flown off with my book.有人私自拿走了我的书。Liz shocked us all by running off with a married man.莉兹和一个已婚男人私奔,让我们都很震惊。Someone has just waltzed off with my drink.刚刚有人拿走了我的饮料。Didn't I see you get off with a girl?我不是看见你同一个姑娘一起下车的吗?Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.费伊看着马克斯带着她的女儿离开,感到一阵恐惧。They partitioned the room off with a curtain.他们用一块帷幕把房间隔开。




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