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词汇 avoids
例句 Shopping by mail avoids the hassles of crowded stores at Christmastime.邮购避免了圣诞节期间商店拥挤带来的麻烦。Good writing avoids unnecessary repetition.好文章要避免不必要的重复。The actor avoids drawing attention to himself.那个男演员避免引起别人的关注。A good writer avoids obscurity of language. 好的作家总会避免使用晦涩的语言。His candidacy will be enhanced if he avoids such brassy politics.假使他避开这种无耻的政治勾当,他的候选人声望将随之提高。Somehow this avoids being just another silly pop song with anodyne lyrics about love and happiness.这首歌总算没有沦为又一首愚蠢无聊的什么爱啊、幸福啊之类的流行歌曲。His breezy style avoids the pitfalls of hyperbolic repetition.他以轻快的笔触避开了夸张堆砌的文风,不落窠臼。He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches.他避免任何眼神接触,一有人靠近就把目光迅速移开。She's a good manager, because she never avoids dealing with the problems of her staff.她是位好经理,因为她从不回避员工的问题。The actress avoids ostentation. She owns a small house and drives an inexpensive car.那位女演员不愿意炫耀。她住的是小房子,开的是经济型轿车。As someone who generally avoids teen movies, I didn't expect to enjoy this.我一般情况下不看青少年的影片,没想到会喜欢看这一部。He avoids being overly/too familiar with his employees.他避免与自己的雇员走得太近。The organic gardener avoids the use of pesticides.有机花园的园丁避而不用杀虫剂。He is known for his privatistic ways. He scrupulously avoids faculty committees and politics.他以采取隐遁主义的态度著称,总是小心地躲避教员委员会以及学校政治。Their system of dispute resolution avoids recourse to the courts.他们处理纠纷的体制使之不必诉诸法庭。He took a rather devious route which avoids the city centre.他选了一条相当绕远的路以避开市中心。The author avoids making moral judgments.作者避而不做道德评价。She avoids the pitfall of sensationalism.她避开追求轰动效应的陷阱。Mostly, he avoids conflict.在一般情况下他会避免冲突。




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