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词汇 occupant
例句 The occupant will not pay rent.这住户不肯付房租。In the United States lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant.在美国,多人乘坐的汽车有专行道。They have left all the furniture and carpets in the house for the next occupant.他们把屋子里所有家具和地毯都留给了下一个住户。The sole occupant of the car was an elderly man.这辆车里只坐了一位老人。The apartment's previous occupant was a painter.从前住在这套公寓里的是位画家。He shrugged his low opinion of the occupant of the room.他耸耸肩表示对那房间的住户不屑一顾。The last occupant of the throne fled the country.最后那个占据王位的人逃离了这个国家。




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