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词汇 清洁
例句 Everyone should take a turn cleaning the toilets as that is the least pleasant job.大家应该轮流清洁马桶,因为那可不是什么惬意的活儿。She would do nothing for days then spring into action and spend a day throwing out all the garbage, cleaning the bathroom, and dusting.她会一连好几天什么都不做,然后突然行动起来,花一整天时间扔掉所有的垃圾,清洁浴室,抹去灰尘。Use a non-abrasive cream cleaner on scuffs and scratches.在磨破和划伤处使用非磨砂性清洁膏。You can't beat soap and water for cleansing.清洁没有比用肥皂和水更好的了。The vacuum cleaner attachments help clean in tight spaces.真空吸尘器的附件能帮助清洁狭小的空间。He is fastidious about keeping the house clean.他对保持房屋清洁很讲究。Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.核能比煤炭清洁Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria.保持伤口清洁干燥,防止细菌感染。The new cleaning process will dispense with the need for ventilation.新的清洁程序省却了通风的必要。Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.舌头也要用牙刷清洁,并且经常漱口。The ship has been taken out of service for extensive cleaning.这条船要进行全面清洁,已暂停使用。At the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors.学期刚开始,学校里的墙壁刚刚粉刷一新,地板也刚擦亮过,看上去又明亮又清洁Cleaning exposed the grain of wood.清洁使木纹显现可见。Clean the rug by sponging it gently.用湿布轻轻擦洗来清洁地毯。Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.清洁通风管道,以清除灰尘和昆虫残骸。Of course the cleaning is a frightful bore.清洁打扫的活儿当然是极其乏味的。Their lodgings were always kept with a soldierly cleanliness and order.他们的住处总是保持著军人般的清洁整齐。Jake does odd jobs around the house - mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows and so on and so forth.杰克做点家里的零活—修剪草坪、清洁窗户等等。Ceramic tiles can be easily cleaned.瓷砖容易清洁Smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.平滑的圆角清洁起来比较容易。I can't overemphasize the cleanliness of this place.这个地方的清洁我再怎么说都不为过。Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。No amount of cleaning will get rid of all this dirt.再怎么清洁也去不掉所有污垢。Have an apple to cleanse your palate.吃个苹果,清洁一下你的味觉。Keep the genital area clean.保持外生殖器清洁Clean the area with disinfectant.用消毒剂清洁这块地方。My wife is always getting on at me for not keeping the rooms clean.我的妻子老是责备我没有保持房间清洁His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.他的任务是制定详细政策,使得市场经济和清洁环境能够共存。The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products.这对双胞胎代言了一系列家用清洁产品。He cleaned the tools with meticulous care.他十分认真地清洁了工具。This machine makes cleaning your home a doddle. 这台机器使家里的清洁工作变得轻而易举。The city's transportation system is clean, safe, and well run.该市的公共交通系统清洁安全,管理很好。If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.假如这里要施行控制污染的措施,那些工厂就会搬到允许污染的地方。因此就空气的清洁而言,这一举措说不上好或坏。My assignment was to clean the equipment. = They gave me the assignment of cleaning the equipment.分派给我的任务是清洁设备。Several companies are responsible for the provision of cleaning services.有几家公司负责提供清洁服务。She uses cotton balls to clean her face.她用棉球清洁脸部。They provide ancillary services like cleaning.他们提供清洁之类的附加服务。Clean with a soft cloth dipped in warm soapy water.用一块蘸过温肥皂水的软布来清洁It's a beautiful, clean, and orderly city.这是一座美丽清洁、秩序井然的城市。Clean and exfoliate your skin before applying make-up.化妆前先清洁皮肤并去除角质。




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