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词汇 no use
例句 It's no use citing the Bible to someone who doesn't believe in God.对不信上帝的人引用《圣经》是无用的。Take the books. I have no use for them now.把这些书拿去吧,我现在用不着。It's no use blinking the fact that...不能无视…的事实。It's no use trying to get round paying the income tax!试图避免交个人所得税是徒劳的!It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized.叫她做事有什么用—一她这人一点条理都没有。It's no use sorrowing over the bad times of the past. Look forward to the future.对过去的不幸时光神伤是无用的,要向前看。You needed blankets to keep warm because the heating was no use.暖气坏了,所以你需要盖上毯子保暖。It's no use trying to squeeze yourself into clothes that are too small for you.太小的衣服你硬穿是穿不上的。After all, it is no use serving up TV dinners if the kids won't eat them.毕竟,如果孩子不想吃冷冻快餐,给他们也没用。It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink.想借酒浇愁于事无补。It's no use trying to reason with Karen right now; she's in one of her moods.现在和卡伦讲道理没有用,她又在闹情绪了。I know it was you I saw, so there's no use trying to deny it.我知道我看到的人就是你,你别再试图否认了。She has no use for people who are always complaining.她讨厌老是抱怨的人。It's no use quarrelling about it with me.关于这件事与我争吵毫无用处。There is no use protesting. I will not change my mind.反对无用,我不会改变主意的。It's no use stroking him. He never likes it.拍他的马屁没用,他从来不吃这套。It's no use shouting, she's deaf.大喊大叫是没有用的,她是个聋子。There's no use flapping about it now.现在对于这件事讲空话是没有用的了。It's no use carrying this debt forward; we might as well write it off.这笔欠账不必再往下转了,我们还是把它销掉算了。It's no use crying over spilt milk.为无可挽回的事而忧伤是没什么用的。It's no use grumbling at the weather.发天气的牢骚是无用的。We have no use for the likes of you.我们用不上你这样的人。It's no use just wishing away week by week, you have to take some action!你光是一星期又一星期地盼望着,这没有用,得动手干!I'm a logical person. I have no use for sentimentality.我是个理智的人,不喜欢多愁善感。It's no use just parroting textbooks.只是重复书本是没有用的。I won't have no use for it anyhow.不管怎样我不会再需要它了。It's no use thinking about one's lost youth.老是回想逝去的青春是没有用的。It's no use always narking.总发牢骚一点儿用也没有。From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.根据过去的经验,她知道和他争论是没有用的。You may have the book; I have no use for it any longer.你把这本书拿去吧,我不再需要它了。It's no use running-the train has already gone.跑也没用了 - 火车已经开走了。But there is no use in grumbling.可抱怨有什么用呢。If society has no use for old people, is it any wonder that older people feel that their lives are without meaning?如果社会不需要老人,老人能不感到自己的生活没有意义吗?It's no use keeping this odd stocking.单只的袜子留著没什么用。It's no use having regrets. You can't go back!后悔没有用。你无法回到过去!With entreaties proving no use,he betook himself to threats.恳求无效,他便改用恐吓的手段。A blind dog is no use to a shepherd. I'm afraid I'm going to have to have him put down.盲犬对牧羊人来说没什么用,恐怕我得请人把它杀死了。This book is no use whatever.这本书毫无用处。The fish spend their lives in darkness, and, having no use for eyes, are totally blind.这种鱼一生都生活在黑暗之中,眼睛没有用处,所以完全是瞎的。It is no use simply to tell adolescents to shape up and do something useful.仅仅告诉青少年要品行端正,做有意义的事,是没有用的。




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