例句 |
This window won't shut - it's jammed.窗户关不上——它卡住了。The intake valve was jammed open.进气阀卡住了,关不上。The door was warped and wouldn't shut.门翘曲了,关不上。The fridge door won't shut because there's something sticking out.冰箱的门关不上,因为有东西伸了出来。She was having trouble closing the drawer.她关不上抽屉了。The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.柜子乱塞了许多鞋,几乎关不上了。This suitcase just won't close!这行李箱就是关不上!I can't close this confounded window!我关不上这该死的窗户! |