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词汇 to indulge
例句 She had very little time to indulge her passion for painting.她很少有时间享受自己酷爱的绘画。Most of us were too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking.我们大多数人都忙得不行,哪有时间在午饭时贪杯。We get into debt to indulge our appetite for consumer goods.我们纵容自己对消费品的需求,结果负债了。He was willing to indulge her wildest fantasies.他愿意让她沉浸在她自己荒诞不经的梦想中。This is no time to indulge in sarcasm.现在可不是一味讽刺挖苦的时候。Blogs allow individuals to indulge grandiose fantasies of who they are.博客使个人可以恣意对自己的身份角色进行夸大的幻想。She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.她肆意沉迷于风花雪月的白日梦中。He used his inheritance to indulge his vices of drinking and gambling.他挥霍遗产,沉湎于酗酒、赌博的恶习之中。He has enough money to indulge himself when the fancy takes him.他只要喜欢,就不怕没钱来纵情享受。He knows that his aunt is always willing to indulge him.他知道伯母总是会愿意迁就他的。Britain's long summer evenings give us the chance to indulge the five senses.英国的漫漫夏夜给了我们沉醉于感官飨宴的机会。Now he is retired he has time to indulge his tastes for writing and politics.现在他退休了,有时间去满足自己在写作和政治方面的兴趣了。It's my birthday. I'm going to indulge.今天是我的生日。我要尽情享受一下。Both candidates have promised not to indulge in further personal attacks for the remainder of the campaign.两位候选人都已承诺,在接下来的竞选活动中不再进行人身攻击。Eva had never been one to indulge in self-pity.伊娃从不是那种沉湎于自怜自哀的人。He rarely gets time to indulge in leisure activities.他很少有时间享受休闲活动。Traditionally, Christmas parties are a time to indulge.传统上,圣诞聚会是尽情享受的时候。The veil is worn to remind you not to indulge in lust.佩戴面纱是为了提醒你不要沉湎于肉欲。Many people feel that their holiday is the time to indulge.许多人认为他们的假日就是用来尽情享受的。Ray has enough money to indulge his taste for expensive wines.雷有足够的钱来尽情享受昂贵的葡萄酒。His wealth enabled him to indulge his love of fast cars.他的财富使他能够纵情于自己对速度快的汽车的喜爱。The hotel spa is the perfect place to indulge.该酒店的健康美容中心是让人尽情享受的理想场所。I'm not a drinker but I allow myself to indulge at parties.我平时不喝酒,但在社交集会上也让自己开开戒。It's my birthday. I'm going to indulge myself and eat whatever I want to eat.今天是我的生日。我要尽情享受,想吃什么就吃什么。It pleased me to indulge her.我很高兴宠着她。I was downtown, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping.我在城里,于是决定尽情买点东西。It's part of her agent's job to indulge her whims.她的经纪人工作的一部分就是迁就她的异想天开。




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