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例句 We are expanding our offering to include smaller, less expensive prints.我们正增加产品种类,生产体积更小、价格更低的打印机。The results came in too late for us to include them in the study.这些结果出来得太晩,我们没能把它们纳入到研究中。The law was amended to include women.这条法律经修改把女性也包括在内。The investigation has broadened to include the mayor's staff.调查已经扩大到市长的工作人员。Why not widen the discussion to include the Muslim and Jewish points of view?为什么不扩大讨论的范围,把伊斯兰教和犹太教的观点也包括进来?The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.总统有望能将这一想法列入他的教育计划中去。The decision to include Morris in the team was completely vindicated when he scored two goals.莫里斯攻入了两球,证明当初将他招入队中是完全正确的。He has plans to expand beyond computer consulting to include engineer training.他计划要将公司业务扩展到计算机咨询之外,包括工程培训。She decided not to include this incident in her summary of the day's events.她决定不在当天的事务总结中提及这件事。Note down the main points you want to include in your essay.记下你文章中想要包含的要点。Chef Nigel Crowther will expand the menu to include several vegetarian options.主厨奈杰尔・克劳瑟将扩充菜单,增加几个素食选项。They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.他们正在尽量拓宽讨论范围以纳入环境问题。The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.人们期望总统把这一意见列入他的教育计划当中。For the purposes of this book, America is taken to include the continent north of Mexico.在这本书里,美洲是指墨西哥以北的大陆。But the rock star, whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars, is older and wiser now.这个摇滚歌星以前常耍诸如摔碎吉他之类的噱头,但是随着年龄增长,他现在变得理性多了。The debate is broadening out to include questions about the structure of French education.辩论的范围进一步扩大,将法国教育结构的问题也包括了进来。Businesses rushed to include images of patriotic pride in their marketing.各企业在营销中纷纷将爱国自豪感的意象包括在内。Since my children have started school, my circle has widened to include the mothers of other kids.自从孩子们上学以后,我的朋友圈子也扩大了,又认识了一些其他孩子的母亲。We tried to include Reggie in the conversation, but he didn't participate.我们想让雷吉加入到谈话中来,但他不想参与。They want the new contract to include a guarantee of job security.他们需要一份新合同,其中包含对工作安全的保证。Few are prepared to include themselves in the apportionment of blame if other targets can be found.如果能找到其他人抗下罪过,没有人愿意承认自己应承担责任。His circle of trust has never widened to include more than one or two men.他信赖的人从未超过一两个。The house has been restored to include all mod cons.房子经过了整修,现代化设备一应俱全。His interests broadened to include art and music, not just sports.他的爱好不只是运动,还包括艺术和音乐。The scope of the book has been broadened to include the history of Eastern Europe.书的范围有所扩大,包括了东欧历史。The trip has been extended to include a few other events.旅程被延长,其他几项活动也被包括进来。The medical team extended the working week to include Saturdays.医疗组延长了工作周,星期六也上班。It would be wise to include plenty of mineral rich foods in your diet.多吃富含矿物质的食物有益身体。Alice took her time telling the story, making sure to include every detail.艾丽丝从容不迫地讲着故事,她想把每一个细节都讲出来。They urged lawmakers to include confidentiality provisions in any new system.他们敦促立法者将保密规定纳入所有新推行的制度中。The radio station has to include a substantial proportion of classical music.该电台不得不播放大量的古典音乐。The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings.空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。We've tried to include Susan in our social activities, but we get no response.我们试过让苏珊来参加我们的社交活动,可没有得到回应。The course has been extended to include the history of art.这门课程已经扩展了内容,把艺术史也包括了进去。It was very considerate of you to include me.你把我算在内,真是体贴周到。If you schedule your practice routine to include one exercise a week, you should learn the musical scale pretty quickly.如果你在日常练习中每周安排一次音阶练习,你很快就能学会音阶。If the donor bears the tax, the value of gift has to be grossed up to include the tax.如果捐款人承担税款,则捐款数额需要把应缴税款包括在内。The medical team extended the workweek to include Saturdays.医疗组延长了工作周,星期六也上班。The EU could be expanded to include former communist countries.欧盟可以通过吸收前共产主义国家来扩大自己的规模。To remove any ambiguity we have to include other information.要消除歧义,我们必须列出其他信息。




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