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词汇 to impress
例句 The girl was spreading herself in order to impress the handsome visitor.姑娘为了给那个英俊的来客留下好印象,正向他大献殷勤。I tried making a joke but it failed to impress anyone.我想开个玩笑,但谁都没笑。Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.西蒙斯先生力图让我明白,如果我能更有条理,我的生活会更安逸。There's a new guy at work who's always trying to impress the boss.公司里有个新来的家伙老是想方设法要讨好老板。He tried to impress his teachers by using big words in all his essays.他在所有的作文中,都试图用大词来给老师留下好印象。This recipe never fails to impress people.这道菜总是会令人称羡。Shelly constantly tries to impress her boss.谢利经常想令老板对她留下印象。Never write or speak merely to impress.写文章或讲话都切不可存心哗众取宠。It's important to impress your seniors if you want to be promoted.如果你想得到晋升,给你的上级留下好印象很重要。Parents have always tried to impress on kids the dangers of driving.家长们一直试图让孩子们牢记开车的危险。He was trying very hard to impress me, but I soon had him taped.他在竭力设法给我好印象,可是我很快就摸清了他的老底。Do not try to impress the examiner with your profound knowledge of the subject.不要试图以你在该学科方面的渊博知识打动考官。Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.多用心去打动顾客,商品就会更快售出。The results failed to impress us.那些结果没能给我们留下深刻印象。They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。He spoke loudly to impress.他大声讲话以引起注意。He's trying to impress her. 他试图打动她。She's trying to impress you.她是在试图引起你的注意。Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.史蒂夫借来他爸爸的跑车向女友炫耀。I was hoping to impress my new boss with my diligence.我一直希望以自己的勤奋给新上司留下深刻的印象。Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress.里克有些好奉承,急着要给人留下好印象。He uses big words to impress people.他用一些大词来给人们留下印象。Her wealthy uncle was a myth invented to impress the other girls.她那富有的叔叔是她为了向其他女孩子炫耀而捏造出来的人。He tried to impress me by flexing his huge muscles.他绷紧他那些大块的肌肉,想吸引我注意他。A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress.时尚顾问将示范如何穿着以给人留下深刻印象。You always manage to impress us with your ideas.你总能用你的想法给我们留下深刻印象。This delicious soup is bound to impress guests. And here's the clincher: it's very easy to make. 这道美味的汤肯定会让客人们印象深刻。关键在于它做起来还很简单。Jed wanted to impress a Harvard professor and some other big guns.杰德想给一名哈佛教授以及其他的一些大人物留下深刻印象。The speaker tried to impress the dangers of drugs on the children. = The speaker tried to impress on the children how dangerous drugs can be. 发言人力图让孩子们清楚地了解毒品的危害。He was straining every nerve to impress the judges.他竭尽全力想给法官留下好印象。He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.他杜撰了一些祖先的名字和一个家族历史来打动那些女孩子。The servant borrowed some of her mistress's finery to impress a new beau.女仆借了女主人的一些精美珠宝来打动自己的新男友。He went to extravagant lengths to impress his boss.他过分处心积虑要给老板留下深刻印象。Her carvings attracted many admirers but her paintings failed to impress.她的雕刻吸引了众多追捧者,但是她的绘画没能给人留下深刻印象。She keeps trying to impress on me how she doesn't like him but does she protest too much?她不停地试图让我觉得她不喜欢他,但她是不是做得太过了呢?She's bright, ambitious, and eager to impress.她聪明,有抱负,渴望引人注目。




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