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词汇 not always
例句 New goals are not always consistent with the existing policies.新目标并不总是与现行政策一致。The police are not always in favour of the public having a go.警方并非总是赞成平民自己动手抓刑事嫌疑犯。He may not always achieve greatness but at least he' s a trier.他也许并非总能成就大事,但至少他竭尽所能。It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。Agreements on nuclear weapons have not always worked.关于核武器的协定并不总是行之有效。Their instincts do not always run parallel with ours.他们的本能并不总是和我们的相同。Our tastes do not always identify.我们的爱好并不总是一样的。It's not always easy being the new kid on the block.当新手并非总是件轻松的事。His religious and political beliefs are not always separable from each other.他的宗教和政治信仰并不总是相互分开的。Bringing up children is hard work, and they do not always reward you for your pains.养育孩子很艰辛,而且付出很多也未必总是有回报。It's not always wise to humor a small child.迁就小孩子不总是明智的。Contrary to popular belief, deserts are not always hot.与大家的看法相反,沙漠并不总是炎热的。Our path in life will not always be smooth.人生道路不会总是平坦的。My mother and I do not always agree.我母亲和我并不总是意见一致。It remains true that the best wines are not always the most expensive.最好的酒往往不是最贵的,这话永远没错。These policies, as noted above, are not always successful.前文提及的这些政策并不总是成功的。Your answer is fundamentally correct, although the details are not always right.你的答案基本上正确,尽管细节并不全对。Modern society does not always correspond to classical notions of democracy.现代社会并不始终与传统的民主观念相一致。Parenthood is not always the result of a planned pregnancy.人们并不总是因为有计划的怀孕而当上父母的。It is not always helpful to draw analogies, but in this instance it is useful.进行类比并非总能有所助益,但在这种情形下还是有用的。He observed that honours do not always went to those who deserved them.他说荣誉并非总是为应得的人所得。The truth is not always black-and-white.真理并不总是绝对的。The world is not always what we wish it to be.世界并不总是如我们所愿。Argument from analogy is not always valid.类比得出的结论并不总是能站住脚。It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.出狱后要找到工作可不容易。Marriage is not always a bed of roses.婚姻并不总是称心如意的。Wealth and happiness do not always go together.有钱并不一定总是幸福。Brothers and sisters do not always get on.兄弟姐妹们并非总能合得来。The detection of crime is not always easy.侦查罪行并非易事。The guidelines were not always fully adhered to.这些指导方针并非总是被完全贯彻执行。Students' reading does not always progress in a linear fashion.学生阅读水平并非始终都是呈直线形提高的。It is not always possible to differentiate between the two diseases.这两种疾病并不是总能区分开来。Laboratory tests are not always a good guide to what happens in the world.实验室里的试验并非总能准确地指引人们认识外部世界的种种现象。Their beliefs did not always harmonize.他们的信仰并非总是协调一致。It's not difficult to get money for research or at least it's not always difficult.争取到研究资金并不难,起码不总是那么难。His dealings are not always quite square.他办事有时候路子不太正。Their interests are not always in complete accord.他们的利益并不总是完全一致。Many of Vasari's ruminations on the subject are not always to be believed.瓦萨里关于这个学科的很多想法并不总是可信的。He's not always at home in the evening.他晚上不总在家。It is not always easy to know right from wrong.分辨是非并不总是很容易的。




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