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例句 Whether or not he realised the fact was neither here nor there.他是否认识到事实真相无关紧要。The president spoke neither for nor against economic reform.总统既没有说赞成也没有说反对经济改革。I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for ages.我已经好久没有见过他了。No direct evidence supports this theory, nor does any undercut it.既无直接证据证实这理论,也无直接证据推翻这理论。Neither he nor Melanie owes me any explanation.他和梅拉尼都没有必要对我作解释。Neither crowds nor rock music were high on her list of enjoyments.她不喜欢人多扎堆,也不喜欢摇滚乐。Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for a week.我有一个星期没见到他的影子了。He did not talk about the recent battle, nor of the soldiers killed in it.他没有谈论最近的战斗,也没谈及战斗中牺牲的战士。I can't make head nor tail of it.这件事我一点都不明白。I can get no rest by night nor by day.我晚上得不到休息,白天也是。In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.公正地说,他必须承认她既没有作假也没有偷懒。Neither she nor I knew.她和我都不知道。I'm never going back there. Not for love nor money.我永远都不会再回去了。绝对不会。The New York Times is neither one thing nor the other. It's not really a city newspaper and it's not really a national newspaper either.不能简单地说《纽约时报》是份什么样的报纸,实际上它既不是市级报纸,也不是国家级的报纸。Neither Matt nor Julie said anything.马特和朱莉都没有说什么。The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is.这部戏既不像塔博里想象的那么滑稽,也不像他想象的那么让人讨厌。The movie is neither an indictment nor an endorsement of capital punishment.这部电影对死刑既没有提出批评,也不表示赞同。The fact, though, is that neither the police nor the fiscals do anything.然而,事实上,无论是警察还是检察官都无所作为。My dear sir, I am not a prophet, nor am I given to inspired guesses.我亲爱的先生,我不是预言家,也不喜欢灵光一现的猜测。Replacement parts couldn't be found for love nor money.无论如何也找不到替换零件了。When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。These are poems that neither rhyme nor scan.这是些既不押韵也不符合格律的诗。The generality of people are neither good nor bad.大多数人既不好也不坏。He knew not how to read, nor to write more than his mark.他既不识字,也不会写字,只会画押。Like suburbia itself, Margot was neither fish, flesh, nor fowl: an urban matron dressed as a countrywoman.郊区既不是城市也不是农村,马戈特也是这样不伦不类,自己是个城市主妇,却打扮成村姑的模样。It's neither Mark nor I who rained on your parade.扫你兴的既不是我也不是马克。Asking him politely doesn't work, nor do threats.礼貌地问他没有用,威胁他也没有用。We can neither change nor improve it.对此我们既无法改变,也无法加以改善。Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.希拉里对这个消息既没有感到震惊也没有觉得意外。Reading between the lines, it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King will be going to Japan.言外之意,科尔和莱德利·金两个人似乎都不会去日本了。Neither Oleg's mother nor his father spoke English.奥列格的父母都不会说英语。I neither know nor care what they think.我不知道也不关心他们是怎么想的。I've never read it nor yet intend to.我从来没有读过这东西,而且也不打算读。I neither know nor care what happened to him.我不知道,也不关心他出了什么事。I'm neither happy nor sad.我既不开心,也不难过。Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria.冷藏和冷冻都不能杀死所有的细菌。Consensus need not be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.一致的意见不一定就没有影响力,也不一定就会导致走中间路线的政策。I'm not coming back up here. Never, for love nor money.我不打算再回这里了,绝对不回了。The average hospital serves meals that are neither appetizing nor nutritious.一般医院提供的饭菜都是既不美味又缺乏营养的。




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