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例句 He asked about her family.他询问了她的家庭情况。The Tory leader, finally put the boot in when he asked about the shortcomings of the comprehensive education system.保守党领袖终于落井下石,问起了综合教育体制的缺陷。Visitors usually ask about the history of the castle.游客常常问起这座城堡的历史。When asked about her tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate.当被问到自己的税收方案时,这位女候选人没有闪烁其词。When I asked about the money she gave me the runaround.我问她钱的事时,她就借故搪塞。He began to hem and haw when I asked about his wife.我一问到他的妻子,他支支吾吾回答不出来了。Interviewers rarely ask about his personal life.采访记者极少问他个人生活方面的问题。When asked about the reasons for these drastic changes, she pleaded/pled ignorance. 被问到这些剧变的原因时,她说自己不清楚。A doctor was asked about the mental state of the prisoner.一名医生被询问狱中服刑人员的神经状态。Mary was in the bank to ask about opening a current account.玛丽在银行里询问开立活期存款账户的事。You will probably be asked about whether you partake in vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加剧烈的体育运动。When asked about his decision, he got very defensive.当被问及他的决定时,他表现得戒备心很强。The suspect clammed up when lawyers asked about his girlfriend.当律师问嫌疑犯有关他女友的事时,他闭口不答。The police took her in for questioning, but she clammed up when they asked about her boyfriend.警方把她带去盘问,可是问起她的男友时,她就不吭声。It's a common problem, the one I'm asked about most when I'm on the lecture circuit.这问题很常见,我在巡回讲演时被问得最多的就是这个。When asked about his next book, he played coy.当问到他的下一部新书时,他不肯直接回答。He asked about our health whenever he met me.他每次碰到我,都问我们的健康情况。If you ask about his grandchildren, he'll natter on about them for hours.你要是问起他的孙子孙女,他会扯上几个小时。When asked about the break-up of her marriage, she refused to go into particulars.当被问及破裂的婚姻时,她拒绝讲述细节。He refuses to answer when asked about his predilections.当被问及他的偏好时,他拒绝回答。He squinnied his eyes at me and asked about the time.他乜斜着睡眼看着我,问我几点了。He was asked about his equipment for the new task.人们问他担任这一新工作的知识才能如何。Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to make out I'd already mailed it.两天后,乔伊丝打电话来询问支票的事,我只得假称已经寄走了。Tell him my mother and father ask about him.请转告他我爸妈问他好。The exotic plant in our living room is a conversation piece that guests always ask about.我们客厅里那株具有异域风情的植物是客人们总要问及的话题。I thought it would be tactless to ask about her divorce.我认为问她离婚的事不太明智。She seemed flustered when he asked about her past.他问起她的过去时,她似乎有点不安。The reporter threw the actress a curve when he asked about her past drug use.那位记者突然问起女演员她过去吸毒的经历,让她措手不及,不知如何回答是好。She seemed a little abashed when they asked about her job.他们问起她工作的时候,她似乎有点尴尬。The mayor's first questioner at the town meeting asked about the new parking regulations.镇民大会上第一个向镇长提问的人询问了新的泊车规定。Employees were asked about their likes and dislikes, and also about how they felt about their working conditions.雇员被问起了他们的好恶,以及他们对工作环境有什么想法。When I asked about Gerald, Susan's usually kind face clouded with fear and suspicion.当我问起杰拉尔德如何时,苏姗一向和善的脸上露出了恐惧和怀疑的神色。He was asked about earlier boasts of a quick victory.有人质问他早先说过的那些速战速决的大话。When asked about who had broken the old vase,he only shrugged his shoulders.当别人问起谁打碎了那只古花瓶,他只是耸了耸肩。I was in the middle of telling a story when she cut me off to ask about dinner.我正讲着故事,她打断了我,问我晚餐怎么办。When asked about his involvement in the scandal, he refused/declined to comment.当他被问及与这一丑闻的牵涉时,他拒绝发表意见。They always went for the best quality and they never asked about the price.他们总是追求最高品质,从来不问价钱。It's rude to ask about money.询问钱的事不礼貌。Lastly, I would like to ask about your future plans.最后,我想问一下你将来的计划。The reason I called was to ask about the plans for Saturday.我打电话是想问问星期六的计划。




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