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例句 Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused.为补偿你为此承受的压力,你要申请额外的补偿金。Ask the taxi driver to put you down outside the church.告诉出租车司机让你在教堂外下车。Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable therapist.让你的医生给你推荐一个合适的治疗专家。Ask her to dance; don't be backward.请她跳舞呀,别怕难为情。Ask the waiter to open another bottle of champagne.叫服务员再开一瓶香槟。Ask Simon to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg!叫西蒙去做饭?别瞎扯了,他连煮个鸡蛋都不会!Ask about special promotions and weekend deals too.也问一问特别促销和周末特价的情况。Ask the waiter to bring the bill.要侍者拿账单来。Ask your brother where he is going.问问你哥哥他准备去哪儿。Ask your mother if you can stay the night.问问你妈妈你是否可以在这儿过夜。Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That's the safest way.叫朋友推荐个人帮忙看孩子,那是最保险的。Ask the desk to ring through to Miss Jackson's room.要服务台把电话接到杰克逊小姐的房间。Ask for a written order with your specifications printed thereupon.要求提供书面订单并在其上具体写明要求细则。Ask for the book in your local library.向你当地的图书馆借这本书。Ask how you yourself would like to be treated in a similar situation.问问你自己在同样的情况下会希望别人怎样待你。You don't have to take my word for it. Ask him yourself.你不必非信我的话,你自己去问他。Ask the doctor to mix you some medicine.请医生给你配些药。Ask any man you meet, and he will tell you the same thing.问问任何一个你遇到的人,他都会告诉你同样的事情。Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist.让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。Ask her to do the books, she's good with numbers.请她来做账吧,她擅长算术。Ask the women to stay home.叫女人们待在家里。Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on the house for you while you're away.你不在时,请邻居照应一下你的房子。Ask your local MP what he or she intends to do to help protect the environment.问一问你们这个地区的议员,他或她打算如何来保护自然环境。Ask around to see what others in your area think about their doctors.向你那片儿的人打听一下,看看他们觉得自己的医生怎么样。Ask about the special group rates for entrance to the museum.问一问进入博物馆的团体特惠门票价格。Ask your mom if you can come with us.问问你妈,你是否能跟我们一起去。Ask the refuse department to come and quote for removing the stuff.请环卫部门来开价清理这堆垃圾。Ask your doctor if you want to see your medical notes.如果你想看你的个人医疗档案,就得找你的医生。Ask any teacher and they'll tell you I'm right.你去问任何一位老师,他们都会说我是对的。Ask yourself what you want out of your relationship.好好想想你要从你们的恋爱关系中得到什么。Ask your doctor to run a test on your blood sugar levels.让医生给你检验一下血糖水平。Ask the local tourist office about opening times.请向当地旅游办事处咨询开放时间。Ask a friend to witness your signature.请一位朋友给你的签名作证。Ask your students to try this exercise before the next class.让你的学生在下一节课前试试做这个练习。Ask anyone and they will tell you the same thing.随便你问谁,他们说的肯定都一样。Ask him nicely - be diplomatic.好好向他提出请求——要委婉一些。Ask around to see what others living in your area think about their doctors.打听一下你那片的居民对他们的医生都有什么看法。Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.让他们把怎样评估你的财产价值的资料寄来。Ask him when he's next coming home.问问他下次什么时候回家。Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written.让投资人检查一下他所写的是否正确。




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