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词汇 niche
例句 He's managed to create a niche for himself in local politics.他终于在当地政界为自己谋到一份称心的差事。They offer a range of niche products online.他们在线提供一系列利基产品。You can then find your own niche in public life.那时候你就可以在社会上找到适合自己的工作了。She has carved a niche for herself as a consultant on music therapy.她当上了音乐疗法顾问,给自己开创出一片天地。This product fills a niche in the market. = This product fills a market niche. 这个产品契合了市场商机。They're still trying to find their niche in the market/industry.他们依旧在这个市场/行业寻找商机。Mammals moved into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the dinosaurs.哺乳动物填补了恐龙消失后留下来的空间。Teenage girls are our niche market. 十几岁的少女群体是我们的目标市场。Lotus make luxury cars for a small but significant niche market.莲花汽车公司为数量虽小但却重要的客户群体生产豪华轿车。He had found his own little niche in life.他找到了自己的人生定位。Two birds huddled in a niche between the trunk and branch of a tree.两只小鸟挤在树干和树枝之间的凹处。You have to create a niche market for your products.你必须为你的产品创造出利基市场。The company is set for further expansion into niche areas.公司正准备进一步向细分领域拓展。We saw a niche in the market for a New York-style lounge bar.我们发现市场上很缺纽约式的雅座酒吧。The new superconductors look set to carve themselves a useful niche in the world's electrical industries.新型超导体看来很可能在全球电气行业发挥用武之地。She finally found her niche as a teacher.她最终称心如意地当了老师。Each animal has its ecological niche.每种动物都有自己的生态位。He found his niche in politics.他在政界谋到了一个合适的位置。Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.西蒙·莱恩很快找到了适合自己的位置,成了一名忙碌的模型制作的自由职业者。She's never really found her niche in life.她从未真正找到自己在生活中的定位。The company has created a niche market for itself.这家公司自己开创了一块利基市场。I found a niche for myself after high school.高中毕业后,我找到了一份适合自己的工作。There's a niche for a small stylish car.小型时尚汽车还有一席之地。She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.她作为一名喜剧演员已经闯出了一片天地。Above him, in a niche on the wall, was a little statue.在他上方的壁龛里摆放着一座小雕像。There was a niche in the rock where the path ended.小路尽头的岩石上有一个凹洞。The company has moved quickly to fill the niche in the overnight travel market.该公司立刻采取行动,填补夜间旅行这个市场的空白。He saw a niche in the market and exploited it.他看到了市场上的一个商机就加以利用了。Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。The Japanese are able to supply niche markets because of their flexible production methods.日本人具有灵活的生产方式,故而能满足特定客户群的需求。Neither of us has found our niche yet. My dream is to be a musician.我们两个人还都没有找到自己的定位。我的梦想是成为一名音乐家。Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing.很多传媒专家把这些纯新闻频道看作是朝着细分市场这一大势转变的组成部分。Organic product lines have expanded from serving a small niche market.有机产品系列已经不再仅仅服务于小众市场。She's carved out quite a niche for herself in fashion design.她已经为自己在时装设计方面谋得了一个称心的工作。Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche.如果能填充特定的市场空白,小公司可以发展得相当出色。The company fills a niche in the digital TV market.这家公司在数字电视市场中获得了一个独家经营的机会。I think we have found a niche in the toy market.我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机。I think there might be a niche in television for a person like me.我觉得像我这样的人或许能在电视行业找到适合自己的一席之地。




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