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例句 Speculating like that was always a pointless exercise, but he did it nevertheless.做那种推测从来就是无意义的,但他还是做了。Although it may be stretching a point to say that this was his best win ever, it was nevertheless impressive.说这是他有史以来最大的胜利有点言过其实,不过这次的确让人印象深刻。He came over well — perhaps a little pompous, but nevertheless honest and straightforward.他给人的印象很好,可能显得有点自大,不过还是很诚实和直率。The court stated that the presence of animus revocandi in the destruction of the will had, nevertheless, been sufficiently proven.法庭陈述说,尽管如此,销毁遗嘱所表明的撤销意图仍是有充足证据证明的。She is nevertheless a happy and fulfilled woman.然而,她是一个快乐而且满足的女人。He's a little on the plump side, but nevertheless quite handsome.他有点胖,但十分英俊。Her date was a bit of a slob, but she had fun nevertheless.她的约会对象有点懒散邋遢,不过她乐在其中。He was very tired, nevertheless he kept working.他累得很,然而仍继续工作。He nevertheless completed the film with breathtaking speed.但他还是以惊人的速度拍完了这部电影。I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.关于这个话题我已经知之甚多,但她的报告听起来还是很有趣。What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.你说的都是实话,只不过有点刻薄。He was extremely tired, but he was nevertheless unable to sleep until after midnight.他虽非常疲倦,但仍然到午夜后才睡着。She was angry; nevertheless, she listened to me.她很生气,但还是听了我的话。Alexander II was an obscure but nevertheless interesting Scottish king.亚历山大二世是一位让人难以琢磨但仍然很有趣的苏格兰国王。The leaves aren't particularly dangerous, but nevertheless they are not something you'd want your child or pet to eat.这些叶子并不特别危险,但你不会想让你的孩子或宠物把它们吃进肚子的。I respect Andrew's reasons for holding that view, but nevertheless I beg to differ.我尊重安德鲁持那种观点的种种原因,但恕我不能苟同。It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story.这个故事虽然老套却很有趣。He didn't seem an ideal candidate for the position, but the firm decided to take a chance on him nevertheless.他看起来不是这个职位的理想候选人,但公司还是决定在他身上赌一把。He nevertheless had just cause for concern.不过,他有理由担心。I had lost a lot of money in the poker game; nevertheless , I decided to continue playing.我打扑克牌输了很多钱,不过,我决定继续玩。Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address.尽管这可能听起来像是老生常谈,但却是待解决的一个关键问题。The opening day of the battle was, nevertheless, accounted a success.不过,开战的首日仍被认为是成功的。There had been no indication of any loss of mental faculties. His whole life had nevertheless been clouded with a series of illnesses.没有迹象显示他的智力受到了损害,但是他的一生却是疾病缠身。




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